Helping Church Survive and Thrive During this Crisis
“Five for Your Friday” is a recurring roundup of articles, videos, resources and more from around the web. Content included here is based on suggestions, input and feedback from Baptist State Convention of North Carolina staff, and it is intended to equip, encourage and challenge you and your church to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18) as you seek to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19).
Please note that information and content included here does not constitute or imply endorsement by the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina.
Currently, news of the coronavirus is dominating U.S. and world headlines with no apparent end in sight. COVID-19 has upended every aspect of society, including the church. Ministry leaders have responded in a variety of ways and with a plethora of resources to help pastors and churches navigate these unprecedented times. Following is a sampling of some of those items.
Believers are having to learn how to love their neighbor during this global pandemic. Many are finding that “loving our neighbors requires sacrifice.” Pastor Michael Fries of Brainerd Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tenn., offers two important principles Christians should follow in order to shape how they love their neighbors.
Churches are facing a potential long-term reality of not being able to gather together at a building due to COVID-19. For many pastors, the alternative of livestreaming is a new idea to them. The North American Mission Board has provided pastors a free training video on how to livestream.
The way we go about church has changed for Christians all around the world. Lots of churches will be streaming their services online, but for some, streaming may not be an option. Ministry leader Cory Hartman shares practical tips on how to worship at home.
Not being able to gather causes financial challenges for churches. Pastors should seek wisdom in how to be good stewards in this time apart. Ronnie Floyd, president and CEO of the executive committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, shares nine practical suggestions to help pastors finance their budgets in uncertain times.
Limits on group gatherings and ministering in a time of “social distancing” are among many challenges facing the church in current days. When the coronavirus moves past its pandemic state, Thom Rainer wonders “what our churches will look like on ‘the other side.’” He offers eight potential developments.