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Construction Projects

  • Purpose of Construction Ministry: To mobilize volunteers to use their skills, talents, and time in response to disaster and construction projects that will further God’s kingdom in North Carolina, across the United States and around the world.

  • Projects Outside of the United States: There are many construction needs outside of the United States. Some of these projects include home construction, church construction, school construction, construction of wells and of medical clinics. See the project list below for a listing of all construction projects.

  • Projects Inside the United States: There are many needed construction projects inside the United States. These include rebuilding homes in North Carolina, building churches and working on camps and other facilities. See the projects list below for a listing of all projects in the United States.

    Currently we need help on Samaritan's Colony Women's Center in Rockingham. This beautiful facility will help bring women who are overcoming addictions back to their waiting husbands, children, mothers, and fathers. For the next several months you have the opportunity to be a blessing to these recovering women and their families. Volunteer for one day, a week, or longer. Contact Dennis Holloway, Site Coordinator, at 910-995-1676 or Debbie Holloway at 910-995-1857 or


The construction ministry focuses on a number of projects including:

  • Homes: Disaster Recovery Volunteers and units are instrumental in helping families rebuild their homes and lives after a disaster. We do not rebuild after every disaster. However, if conditions are right, Baptists on Mission may commit to rebuilding homes after a disaster. Typically, we are able to offer some or all of the building materials needed for the rebuild. BOM will manage each project to ensure that the homeowner receives the help they need and to help volunteer teams use their time and resources efficiently.

  • Churches: BOM wants to help new congregations build their first building. Typically the building is 8,000-10,000 sq. ft. using a variety of materials (block, wood, steel, etc.). The building project is coordinated by a person selected by the church. Volunteer Coordinators work closely with the project manager to ensure that materials and plans are prepared before volunteers arrive.

  • Mission Camps: MissionCamps are established in two different locations in North Carolina so that volunteers will have a location where there is great need and they can go to do mission projects. These mission camps will provide lodging, meals, worship and meaningful work at a very affordable price. Volunteers working out of Red Springs and Shelby build wheelchair ramps, do renovations on homes and build new homes for families living in sub-standard housing. In some cases, the County purchases materials and volunteers do the work. Teams also do many non-construction projects out of our mission camps. We have facilities in Red Springs and in Shelby NC where we can house and feed up to 200 volunteers at a time. This is a great way to be involved in life changing missions.

Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery Unit activities can be divided into three categories: chainsaw, mudout/tearout, and temporary rebuild. Chainsaw teams cut and remove trees from homes and yards. Mudout/tearout teams remove the muck and wet household goods that floods leave. Temporary Rebuild teams install blue plastic sheeting on rooftops in order to reduce further damage from the elements.

Units and Volunteers are organized to accomplish at least these three activities. Baptists on Mission mobilizes Disaster Recovery Units and volunteers through a 10 region call out system. Recovery Unit contacts are maintained throughout the year and updated as needed. Units and Volunteers are recruited by the Baptists on Mission office as needed.

Handyman Ministries

Baptists on Mission encourages the associational and local church teams to develop a program through the Handyman Ministry for helping needy people within their community when there is not a disaster response. The Lord has blessed us with equipment and volunteers. By being good stewards of these great assets, we can help local individuals and families by meeting needs in the teams' own communities. Local teams in each individual church should survey their community to find needs of people around their church that they can help to meet (see list of suggested projects for Handyman Ministry). Church/Associational members should then develop a plan to meet these needs. Helping others at the local level with physical needs will allow many opportunities to share God’s love for them through Jesus Christ.

  Construction Opportunities  
Armenia AR25-10

10/23/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects
HW25-003a Waianae, Hawaii

1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM

United States MissionsNational ProjectsConstruction MinistryConstruction MissionHawaii-Pacific
HW25-004 Kihei, Hawaii

1/1/2025 12:00:00 AM

United States MissionsNational ProjectsConstruction MinistryConstruction MissionHawaii-Pacific
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National ProjectsUnited States MissionsRocky MountainConstruction MissionOutreach
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1/30/2025 1:55:27 AM

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South Africa SA25-02

2/13/2025 1:55:27 AM

Outside US MissionsInternational ProjectsPartnerships MinistryChurch PlantingConstruction MissionConstruction Projects
South Africa SA25-03

3/13/2025 1:55:27 AM

Outside US MissionsInternational ProjectsPartnerships MinistryChurch PlantingConstruction MissionConstruction Projects
South Africa SA25-04

4/18/2025 1:55:27 AM

Outside US MissionsInternational ProjectsPartnerships MinistryChurch PlantingConstruction MissionConstruction Projects
South Africa SA25-05

5/30/2025 1:55:27 AM

Outside US MissionsInternational ProjectsPartnerships MinistryChurch PlantingConstruction MissionConstruction Projects
South Africa SA25-06

7/10/2025 1:55:27 AM

Outside US MissionsInternational ProjectsPartnerships MinistryChurch PlantingConstruction MissionConstruction Projects
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