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We have begun rebuilding damaged homes and anticipate a long term effort to help families get back in their homes. Teams are being housed at Calvary Baptist Church in Canton where we have a site coordinator.  While there is a particular need for licensed electricians and plumbers, volunteers of all skill levels are needed. Please sign up on the form below to help in this effort.

When registering to help, please make sure at least one person from your team has some basic construction skills. 

Youth Groups: Youth groups are able to help in the recovery and rebuild process. Please make sure you have a ratio of 1 adult for every 3 youth. Youth must have to be in 6th grade and older. Information about background checks, parental waivers, etc. will be found in the packet of information you receive when you are assigned to a site.

Reminder: IF you sign up on this site you will receive an assignment confirmation.  

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Now(UTC - 05:00)

Get Involved

We need volunteers to help with rebuilding in the weeks to come.

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BOM Disaster Relief is funded primarily by donations. 100% of your designated gift will be used in disaster relief efforts.

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We are responding to help those in need in Haywood and surrounding counties. We need volunteers to help with the rebuild effort.

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