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Prayer Walking

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings should be made for everyone…(1 Tim. 2:1)

Prayer walking is intercessory prayer targeted for the specific place where you are walking. It is an approach to “pray without ceasing” on behalf of others. As you prayer walk, you gain a better understanding of the neighborhood and community.


  • Advertise the ministry at your church, e.g. bulletin board, Sunday School groups, newsletter, e-mail etc.
  • Decide where you would like to prayer walk. Consider prayer walking in your neighborhood, community park, college campus, hospitals, government buildings, etc. Research the area to get a better understanding of specific needs.
  • Set a length of time and designate different areas for the group to pray. Prayer walking is best done in teams of two-four. Agree on a time to return from the prayer walk.
  • Pray together as a team prior to walking, and again as a team at the conclusion of the walk.
  • Pray intentionally for the neighborhood and community. Be open to the Spirit for insights.
  • Prayer walking can be a one-time, church wide event, or a recurrent ministry. If you decide to do it regularly, set up a specific time each month. Meet often with volunteers to debrief and pray together.


  • Dress comfortably. Wear comfortable sneakers or walking shoes. Consider carrying a small Bible or a journal with you.
  • Do not feel the need to fill the silence. It is okay to walk and pray silently for a time.
  • Have a rain plan. Will you meet at an alternate place or reschedule in the event of inclement weather?
