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Appalachian Coalfields

An initial list of Appalachian Projects for 2025 is available for prayerful consideration! Click here to see the current list of opportunities. And, check back often as we will be adding new projects as they come in over the next few weeks! 

Baptists on Mission (BOM) has developed the Appalachian Coalfields Ministry in order to minister both physically and spiritually to people in some of the poorest areas of our nation. Teams serve in the states of West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina. Projects include week-long service in children's ministry, sports clinics, music, and construction, to name a few. Mission opportunities may also include the collection, delivery, and distribution of items such as food, school supplies, clothing, etc., which can be done in the course of a few days or over a weekend.

2025 APPALACHIAN CHRISTMAS OUTREACH. Click here to see information about how you and your church can play a part in this statewide effort to provide 24,000 backpacks full of needed items to Appalachian children in November and December of 2025! This ministry has reached thousands of Appalachian children and their families over the years with the Gospel of Christ! 

An intial list of 2025 APPALACHIAN REQUESTS are in, and awaiting your response! Follow these steps

1. Start by clicking here to see a printable .PDF of 2025 projects.
2. Once you have reviewed the list, pray about which project(s) you might want to respond to.
3. Contact Mark Abernathy ( ; 919-459-5607) to express interest and get contact information.
4. You will be put in direct contact with a requestor in the Appalachian area to ask any and all questions.
5. If you and requestor feel it is a good match, set a date with them for your team's service, and let Mark Abernathy know.
6. You will be sent instructions for securing the project (from the list below) on behalf of your team by registering as team leader.

NEEDS HIGHLIGHT: Teams are needed to cook for a Christian youth camp in the mountains of North Carolina the weeks of June 22-27; June 29-July 4; July 20-25; and July 28-August 1. If you have a team of 8-12 that can help, please contact Mark Abernathy at 919-459-5607 or


Dewey and Kathie Aiken are Baptists on Mission On-Site Coordinators for the Appalachian Coalfields Ministry. The Aikens combine a deep passion for showing the love of Christ to others with a clear understanding of the needs of mission teams. We are delighted to work with Dewey and Kathie in this. Please keep the Aikens in your prayers.

The Appalachian region offers North Carolina Baptists an opportunity to serve Christ in one of the poorest areas of our nation. We will need teams to serve in 2025 throughout the area. You and your church can make a big difference in this Partnership area!

For More Information

For more information, or to secure a project for your mission team, check out the current projects list:

2025 Appalachian Partnership Request List

Then contact:

Mark Abernathy
Baptists on Mission (BOM)

Appalachian Coalfields 1
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  Appalachian Coalfields Opportunities  
AC25-002 Copper Hill, TN

6/20/2025 9:00:00 AM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsAppalachian CoalfieldsOutreachChildren Events
AC25-005a Rogersville, TN

1/1/2025 9:00:00 AM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsAppalachian CoalfieldsVacation Bible SchoolEvangelism Outreach
AC25-005b Rogersville, TN

1/1/2025 9:00:00 AM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsAppalachian CoalfieldsVacation Bible SchoolEvangelism Outreach
AC25-007a Jefferson City, TN

1/1/2025 9:00:00 AM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsAppalachian CoalfieldsOutreach
AC25-014 Hayesville, NC

6/1/2025 12:19:23 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsAppalachian CoalfieldsCamp Cooks
AC25-015 Hayesville, NC

7/13/2025 12:19:23 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsAppalachian CoalfieldsCamp Cooks
AC25-031a Copperhill, TN

1/1/2025 9:00:00 AM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsAppalachian CoalfieldsOutreach
AC25-036a Mount Storm, WV

6/1/2025 2:17:02 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsAppalachian CoalfieldsOutreachVacation Bible School
AC25-041 Madison, WV

4/1/2025 9:00:00 AM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsAppalachian CoalfieldsEvangelism Outreach