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Rocky Mountain

An initial list of Rocky Mountain projects for 2025 is available for prayerful consideration! Click here to see the current list of opportunities. And, check back often as we will be adding new projects as they come in over the next few weeks!  

Since 2005, Baptists on Mission (BOM) have been sending teams to serve in the Rocky Mountain area of our nation. Projects have been completed in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico. Volunteers serve through construction, VBS, servant evangelism, prayer walking, camp ministry, and more.

NEEDS HIGHLIGHT - A small town church in North Dakota needs a team to conduct a late-afternoon/evening Vacation Bible School for children from throughout the county. Morning and early afternoon will be spent in the community engaging families with prayer, testimony, and encouraging them to attend. Will need those to lead in all aspects of VBS including Bible story, music, recreation, crafts, snacks, etc.  Contact Mark Abernathy at 919-459-5607 or if you can help with a team. Thank you!

2025 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REQUESTS are here. Follow these steps
1. Start by clicking here to see a printable .PDF of 2025 Rocky Mountain projects.
2. Once you have reviewed the list, pray about which project(s) you might want to respond to.
3. Contact Mark Abernathy ( ; 919-459-5607) to express interest and get contact information.
4. You will be put in direct contact with a requestor in the Rocky Mountain area to ask any and all questions.
5. If you and the requestor feel it is a good match, set a date with them for your team's service, and let Mark Abernathy know.
6. You will be sent instructions for secring the project (from the list below) on behalf of your team by registering as team leader.

Remember to check back from time to time as any new projects will be listed as they come in!


Cook and Maintenance Teams for Youth Camps
In 2025, Baptists on Mission will once again send teams to serve at the Mountaintop Baptist Assembly in Wyoming and the Inlow Baptist Camp and Sivells Baptist Camp in New Mexico. Cook teams of 8-12 volunteers render a tremendous service to these Baptist camps. Maintanence teams are also be needed for a variety of tasks. Team members enjoy getting to meet the campers and the camp staff. These are great places to serve. Teams are housed at the camp and eat with the campers when camp is in session. (See the work of our cook teams highlighted in the video list to your left). 

Contact Mark Abernathy with BOM if your team can help! ( / 919-459-5607)

For More Information

For more information, or to secure a project for your mission team, check out the current projects list:

2025 Rocky Mountain Project List

Then contact:

Mark Abernathy
Baptists on Mission (BOM)
Rocky 1
Rocky 2
Rocky 3
  Rocky Mountain Opportunities  
RM25-001 Casper, Wyoming

7/5/2025 4:21:27 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsRocky MountainCamp Cooks
RM25-002 Casper, Wyoming

7/12/2025 4:21:27 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsRocky MountainCamp Cooks
RM25-004 Casper, Wyoming

7/26/2025 4:21:27 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsRocky MountainCamp Cooks
RM25-005 Casper, Wyoming

8/2/2025 4:21:27 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsRocky MountainCamp Cooks
RM25-007 Casper, Wyoming

6/7/2025 4:21:27 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsRocky MountainCamp Cooks
RM25-008 Casper, Wyoming

6/14/2025 4:21:27 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsRocky MountainCamp Cooks
RM25-013 Tajique, New Mexico

7/12/2025 4:21:27 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsRocky MountainCamp Cooks
RM25-020 Cloudcroft, New Mexico

7/5/2025 4:21:27 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsRocky MountainCamp Cooks
RM25-021 Cloudcroft, New Mexico

7/12/2025 4:21:27 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsRocky MountainCamp Cooks
RM25-022 Cloudcroft, New Mexico

7/31/2025 4:21:27 PM

National ProjectsUnited States MissionsRocky MountainCamp Cooks
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