Five reasons to support NCMO
Each year, the North Carolina Missions Offering (NCMO) is a special offering that supports the ministries of N.C. Baptist Men, church planting, mission camps, associational projects and mobilization ministry projects.
NCMO is received during a special church emphasis each September, but contributions may be made at any time throughout the year. NCMO is an opportunity to impact lostness through various ministries that God uses to draw more people to Himself. The goal for this year’s offering is $2.1 million.
Following are five reasons you should consider making a financial gift to NCMO.
1. Loving
Supporting NCMO accomplishes Kingdom work by being obedient to Jesus’ command to love our neighbors as ourselves. This year’s theme is “So They Know” and is taken from John 13:34-35, which says, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
N.C. Baptist Men, also known as Baptists on Mission, involves thousands of people in 17 different ministries such as disaster relief, agricultural missions, and dental and health screenings. Demonstrating compassion for others by meeting their physical needs build bridges to meeting their spiritual needs, as well.
2. Serving
NCMO supports two mission camps in North Carolina located in Robeson and Cleveland counties. These camps host men, women and student volunteers throughout the year. Your support of NCMO allows these volunteers to participate in service projects that range from patching a leaky roof to renovating a needy family’s home. Projects such as these serve as platforms for sharing the gospel.
3. Going
Each year, gifts to NCMO help mobilize thousands of volunteers for mission projects in North Carolina, the United States and around the world. For many, it’s their first opportunity to serve on a mission trip, and for others, God uses this opportunity to call them into a lifetime of service. Volunteers serve in a variety of ways all over the world in places like Armenia, Cuba, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Romania and elsewhere.
4. Planting
One of the best ways to reach lost people is by establishing new churches, and gifts to NCMO go directly to church planting efforts in North Carolina. Since 2007, gifts to NCMO have helped start 927 churches across the state, averaging more than 100 new church plants annually. In 2014 alone, the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina worked with 103 new churches, 39 of which spoke languages other than English. Collectively, these new churches reported more than 3,500 professions of faith and averaged more than 5,300 in weekly attendance.
5. Discipling
Every aspect of NCMO and the ministries it supports is for the overarching goal of making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. As such, all of the money given to NCMO goes directly to funding ministry work locally, regionally, nationally and globally. Will you give so that others may know Jesus and become His disciple?
To learn more or make a contribution to NCMO, visit
by Will Taylor, BSCNC Communications