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Baptist Men's Day

The fourth Sunday in January is the designated day each year for Baptist Men’s Day. Churches use this day to remind their entire congregation of the importance of Baptist Men’s ministry within the church, community, and the world.  In 2025, the 91st observance of Baptist Men’s Day falls on January 26. However, if January 26 is not a convenient date for Baptist Men’s Day in your church, please feel free to plan it for any another Sunday. 

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Initial Preparation and Planning
  1. Form a planning team. This team should reflect the size of your church and Baptist Men’s group. Those who comprise the team might include the church Men’s Ministries director, the pastor or assigned staff member, and two or three other men.

  2. Your planning team should begin meeting at least six to eight weeks before Baptist Men’s Day. Look toward accomplishment of the following:

  • Coordinate the date on the church calendar.
  • Determine what you hope to accomplish by observing Baptist Men’s Day.
  • Plan activities to accomplish these goals.
  • Determine who will be responsible for each activity.
  • Make assignments.
  • Secure needed materials.
  • Keep track of the progress.

Six Weeks Before (Possible Goals)
  • Select a special ministry project to be completed in conjunction with Baptist Men’s Day. (See Resources below)
  • Plan a Sunday morning prayer breakfast in conjunction with Baptist Men’s Day. (See Resources below)
  • Consult with your pastor about the Sunday Morning Worship Service. If your men do not participate in the service, ask your pastor to bring a challenging message to men or to suggest a guest speaker to do so. (See Resources below)
  • Plan a recognition time during the morning or evening service for men involved in missions and ministries through your local Baptist Men. (View Sample Baptist Men's Award Certificates below)
  • Select men to share testimonies of missions and ministry involvement in each adult Sunday School class.
  • Select men to share during the worshp service a testimony of how they have experienced God at work in their life.​​​

One Month Before (Possible Goals)
  • Place announcements of Baptist Men's Day activities in the church bulletin and newsletter.
  • Have a display of Men’s Ministries materials and photographs of your activities over the past year ready for display in the church foyer.
  • Enlist men to make announcements about Baptist Men's Day activities in all adult Sunday School classes for each of the next four Sundays.
  • Begin practice for men’s choir.
  • Begin creation of a short PowerPoint or other creative presentation of the past year’s Baptist Men’s activities to be shown during the worship service.
  • Confirm  with those responsible for all activities you have decided upon.
  • Check the progress of all plans and correct anything not progressing as scheduled.
Full 2025 Baptist Men's Day Guide                         BMD Certificate of Appreciation 1
Saturday BMD Activities                                          BMD Certificate of Appreciation 2
Sunday BMD Gathering                                           BMD Certificate of Appreciation 3
Sunday BMD Worship Service