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Saturday BMD Activities

Plan a special event for the Saturday before Baptist Men’s Day.  Some suggestions are listed below.  There may be other activities appropriate to your church and community as well.

  • Conduct a Handyman Ministry Day dedicated to helping those who may not be physically able to do simple household chores. This can be for church members, and/or as an outreach to the community. Sample Handyman Assistance Request Form. This could launch a new ministry!

  • Conduct an Outdoor Ministry Event (skeet, archery, fishing, etc.) event  and/or wild game supper, to be followed by a men’s worship rally on Saturday night. Planning a Wild Game Supper.

  • Plan a Men’s Golf Tournament or other outing that unchurched men could be invited to.

  • Plan a showing of the opening session of John Eldredge's "Get Your Life Back" series. (Or similar Men’s Ministry video study) Leader’s packet is available at Plan a meal, and invite unchurched men. Incorporate worshipful singing, small group discussion (guide available) and a prayer time. Use this as a kick-off to doing the rest of the series over the next few weeks or months.

    Lifeway Men (Lifeway)
    Small Group Studies (Man in the Mirror)
    Men's Resources (Christianbook)

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