Baptists on Mission exists to Glorify God by involving churches and Christians in meeting human needs in Jesus’ name
Plan a special event for the Saturday before Baptist Men’s Day. Some suggestions are listed below. There may be other activities appropriate to your church and community as well.
Conduct a Handyman Ministry Day dedicated to helping those who may not be physically able to do simple household chores. This can be for church members, and/or as an outreach to the community. Sample Handyman Assistance Request Form. This could launch a new ministry!
Conduct an Outdoor Ministry Event (skeet, archery, fishing, etc.) event and/or wild game supper, to be followed by a men’s worship rally on Saturday night. Planning a Wild Game Supper.
Plan a Men’s Golf Tournament or other outing that unchurched men could be invited to.
Plan a showing of the opening session of John Eldredge's "Get Your Life Back" series. (Or similar Men’s Ministry video study) Leader’s packet is available at Plan a meal, and invite unchurched men. Incorporate worshipful singing, small group discussion (guide available) and a prayer time. Use this as a kick-off to doing the rest of the series over the next few weeks or months.
Lifeway Men (Lifeway) Small Group Studies (Man in the Mirror) Men's Resources (Christianbook)
We appreciate your interest in the Baptist Men. For all general inquiries, please use the contact form below.