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BASIC training event 2024!

If you've never trained with us before, you're in the right place. NCBM Disaster Relief Basic is an orientation to the Disaster Relief ministry which includes history, policies, procedures, and technical training in the field you choose.

NCBM Disaster Relief Training is available to all believers who have a passion to serve others.  Disaster response is a unique mission experience because of the sudden nature of the event, difficult conditions, and high expectations from other relief organizations and survivors.  We hope you desire to serve God in this type of ministry and that you fulfill that desire through NCBM Disaster Relief.

Background Checks are required for all disaster relief volunteers (including those already trained). During the online registration process you will be given additional information on how to proceed.  Afterwards you will receive additional information instructing you on next steps for registration completion and payment. 

The background check process occurs every three years for NCBM Disaster Relief volunteers. 


  • Sign in to register for one (1) class per region
  • For detailed instructions on how to sign in, please click here.
  • For detailed instructions on getting a new email address, click here.
  • To register, click on "DETAILS" below next to the region that you'd like to attend.
  Basic Opportunities  
2025 DR Training Edenton NC

2/22/2025 8:30:00 AM

Disaster Relief TrainingBasic TrainingDisaster Relief MinistryDisaster Relief Mission
2025 DR Training Charlotte

3/1/2025 8:30:00 AM

Disaster Relief TrainingBasic TrainingDisaster Relief MinistryDisaster Relief Mission
2025 DR Training Whiteville, NC

3/29/2025 8:30:00 AM

Disaster Relief TrainingBasic TrainingDisaster Relief MinistryDisaster Relief Mission
2025 DR Training Clemmons, NC

4/12/2025 8:30:00 AM

Disaster Relief TrainingBasic TrainingDisaster Relief MinistryDisaster Relief Mission
2025 DR Training Elkin, NC

4/26/2025 8:30:00 AM

Disaster Relief TrainingBasic TrainingDisaster Relief MinistryDisaster Relief Mission
2025 DR Training Durham, NC

5/3/2025 8:30:00 AM

Disaster Relief TrainingBasic TrainingDisaster Relief MinistryDisaster Relief Mission
2025 DR Training Hendersonville, NC

5/17/2025 8:30:00 AM

Disaster Relief TrainingBasic TrainingDisaster Relief MinistryDisaster Relief Mission


Not all classes are offered at each regional training.  Only one (1) class can be taken per region.

Visits with homeowner to determine if and how volunteers can help with cleanup and recovery.  Team member should be comfortable meeting people in distress, work well with others, usually in pairs, be able to read and complete paperwork, and understand the work of chainsaw, clean up, and temporary repair teams. Trainees must hold a current certification in Recovery.

Manages the paperwork for the operation including volunteer check-in, finance, and daily reporting.  Admin volunteers should have organizational skills, be computer literate, and be able to handle many tasks at once. Must be able to work in an office-like environment for long periods. 

Provide spiritual and emotional care to volunteers and survivors. Skills needed: good people skills, compassion, non-judgmental, able to learn new techniques for helping people in crisis.

Communications/Computer Support:
For individuals with a background in computer operations, support, network support, and /or a background in Communications. (Ex. Ham, Amatuer Radio)

Crew Chief:
Crew chiefs will lead trained and untrained volunteers while conducting recovery operations. They must have demonstrated leadership abilities and hold a current certification in Recovery. 

Emergency Child Care:
Emergency child care training. Participants should love children and desire to work with children ages 8 weeks to 8 years old, in a daycare setting. This class will help participants to develop skills in supervising and teaching children about Christ through age appropriate lessons and activities using NCBM guidance.

Participants will learn how to operate a forklift properly; you will receive a forklift qualification card. 

International Search & Rescue/Swift Water: Participants will provide technical rescue service and/or medical assistance to survivors of natural or man-made disasters. Skills needed: Certification as a Rescue Technician and/or Swift Water Rescue Technician are recommended, but not required. Background in Fire, Rescue, or EMS is preferred. Willing to work in difficult physical and emotional situations.

Assist in providing facilities, services and materials for the Disaster Relief Site. Skills needed: resourceful, energetic, and able to manage many demands at one time.  The work is typically outdoors and requires long hours and many challenges.  Must be able to work within a chain-of-command. 

Mass Feeding:
Learn food safety and preparation for mass feeding. Volunteers will prepare breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Skills needed: physically able to adapt to kitchen work which includes walking, twisting, and lifting. Expect to work long hours in hot and cold environments.

Participants must have experience in maintenance, be able to work long hours in less than ideal conditions.  Must be mechanically savvy and resourceful. 

Medical Reserve Corps:
Domestic and international response. Skills needed: Must have current NC certification and/or licensure and knowledge of basic first aid. Must be able to work long hours in adverse conditions.

Recovery (also known as Clean-up):
Help homeowners clean-up personal dwellings which may include: gutting home, removing mud and personal belongings, chainsaw work, and temporary repair. Youth must be in the 6th grade or older.  A parent must attend the same class at training. Skills needed: be in good physical shape, able to work in adverse conditions including hot and cold weather.

Covers setup, maintenance, and use of shower/laundry units. Skills needed: be able to sort, load, wash, and fold clothes for other people. Must be in good physical shape to work in hot and cold conditions.  Youth must be in the 6th grade or older.  A parent must attend the same class at training.

State Recovery Unit: 
Manages equipment for the NCBM Disaster Recovery Unit. Participants must be able to manage the disbursement and collection of tools to volunteer teams. Skills needed: understand tools and their purpose, be able to operate a computer, and be responsible for a lot of equipment. 


Check-in begins at 2:00-3:30 p.m. on Friday.  Classes are from 3:35 p.m.- 9:30 p.m. Supper at 5:00 p.m.  Training completed by 2 p.m. on Saturday. If you cannot arrive in time for class by 3:45 p.m. please choose another date and location.


This is an overnight training; however, participants are not required to stay overnight.  Participants who stay overnight will sleep at the facility/church dormitory style, with men and women separated. Bring your cot/air mattress (no doubles) and anything you need for sleeping. We do NOT provide sleep gear, only space! Showers provided.


18+ for all ministries. Exception: To participate in Disaster Recovery training, or Shower & Laundry training, youth must be 16 years of age or older. A parent must attend the same class at training.


$40, includes training manual, hat, shirt, updated id badge, background check (if needed), temporary accident insurance, and up to 3 meals. NON-REFUNDABLE. Credit Cards/Checks accepted. Note: The training is designed to be as realistic as possible. Flexibility is key to having a good experience. Please do not register for this training if you cannot stay for the entire event.
