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AC24-059a Bryson City, NC

Campground and Resort Ministries
Bryson City, NC

Teams are needed to do a variety of outreach to engage vacationers and locals with the Gospel message in a resort area of the state. This could include campground VBS, fun family evening programs, family worship services, SACK (special activities for camping kids), and conversational evangelism at local festivals, flea market, and vendor fairs. Need those who love people and sharing the gospel. Team will need to bring some materials such as Bibles and tracts to be used during the week, as well as any VBS or similar supplies. A local campground has a variety of different housing options. Many other housing options are available. Requestor will talk with team leader about lodging and meal options for the team. Note:  Teams working with children and youth will be responsible for conducting professional background checks on all members over the age of 18. Team leader will be sent information from BOM concerning options for this.
Length of assignment: 4-7 days
Preferred Dates: Summer 2024
Costs: Travel to Western NC, food, lodging, ministry supplies

  Event Details  

Date and Time

From: Monday, January 1, 2024

To: Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The program is for an overnight stay

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Event Contacts

Mark Abernathy
(919) 459-5607


Bryson CIty, NC, United States

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Team Member AC24-059a
Choose "1" under "Choose Quantity". Note: A Team Leader has been registered for this project. In order to add to the project, you will need to know the "team name" (not the project number). This is a name that the team leader assigned when he/she signed up for the project. If you do not know this team name, please see your team leader or contact NCBM at or 919-459-5607. Costs for national projects vary. The team leader will negotiate costs with the project requester on the field and communicate this information to the team.
