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Cuba CU25-09

The primary purpose of the partnership is construction of seminary buildings in Santa Clara, Cuba as well as maintenance/construction at the retirement home in Santiago. All construction teams need at least one skilled construction person. Construction teams will have an opportunity to visit with and get to know Cuban Baptists as well as worship in Cuban Baptist churches. Team members are encouraged to share their faith with people that they meet. 

The basic price of the trip is approximately $1,500 per person. Final price will not be determined until airline tickets are purchased. This includes round-trip airfare to Santa Clara or Santiago, visa, insurance, in-country transportation, lodging, meals, orientation materials, and T-shirt.  (Price does not include building materials, etc. See below). 

Each team must provide an additional amount of $3,000 per construction team. The $3,000 must be received in our office 60 days prior to your departure date. Contact Tom Beam at NCBM for more information at 1.800.395.5102, ext. 5626 or

  Event Details  

Date and Time

From: Friday, June 13, 2025

To: Friday, June 20, 2025

The program is for an overnight stay

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Event Contacts

Tom Beam
(919) 459-5605

Dollie Noa
(919) 459-5598



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Required Immunizations

Hepatitis A, Tetanus-Diphtheria, Typhoid, Check with your Physician on required immunizations for this event.


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