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Men's Worship Rally 2024 - Region 2


"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being reenewed day by day."     - 2 Corinthians 4:16

All men are invited to an evening of fellowship that will include supper, followed by worship, testimony, a spiritual challenge, and prayer. Join others from the region as we pursue being the men God created us to be! These rallies provide a time of meaningful worship and great fellowship, as well as information on mission opportunities and men's ministry resources. Every man and his pastor is invited to attend. 

Southside Baptist Church
4948 Carter Road
Elm City, NC
Thursday, November 7
Region 2

Meal begins at 6:15 pm.
Program is from 7:00pm to 8:30 pm.
Cost is $5 per man, and helps cover the cost of the meal. 

Registration Deadline is end of the day Tuesday, November 5

  Event Details  

Date and Time

From: Thursday, November 7, 2024, 06:15 PM

To: Thursday, November 7, 2024, 08:30 PM

The Program is only during the day

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Event Contacts

Mark Abernathy
(919) 459-5607

Tracey Ford
(919) 459-5606


Southside Baptist Church, 4948 Carter Road, Elm City, NC

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Attendee's Age must be 12-up
Group Leader - Or - Individual / Men's Worship Rally 2024-Region 2
Please enter the number of participants you will be bringing with you (including yourself) in the "Choose Quantity" box to the right. You will be required to enter basic contact information about yourself, but not for those coming with you.
