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Please use the form below to donate now. If you would like to pay by check, please make your check payable to Baptists on Mission, PO Box 1107, Cary, NC 27512. Designate on your check to Ukraine Crisis.

Ukraine Crisis

Ukraine Crisis

On faith, we have committed to sending a significant amount of funds to assist people in the region. These funds will be used for initiatives such as food, medicines/medical supplies, hygiene items and other assistance for displaced Ukrainians. Through a trusted partner, we are able to get these items into Ukraine and to the churches who are housing internally displaced Ukraine refugees. We are getting most of these items in Europe, so financial support is what is needed. Your gifts to Baptists on Mission -Ukraine Crisis will provide non-perishable food, toiletries, medical supplies, blankets and other essential needs for temporary housing. 100% of what you give will go to this effort. This is a great need.


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We are sending volunteers into  Western Ukraine. We are also working to get needed supplies to refugees. God has opened a door for us to help into Ukraine. 

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Monetary donations help provide non-perishable food, toiletries, medical supplies and other essential needs.

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From 1994-2000, NC Baptists had a full partnership with Ukraine Baptists.

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