2017 NC Missions Conference
Join us on March 17-18, 2017 at Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC for the 2017 Missions Conference. This event is open to ALL Baptist men, women, and students. Special features include general sessions, mission action break out sessions, mission fair exhibits, the volunteer supper and mission testimonies. Program personalities include John Ortberg, Anne Graham Lotz, Gary Chapman, Jennifer Rothschild, Terry Rae, Taylor Field and music by the Annie Moses Band. To register go to http://baptistsonmission.org/Events/Missions-Conference |
Red Springs and Shelby Mission Camps
Teams serving at Red Springs and Shelby Mission Camps have the opportunity to make an impact on people's lives. The Mission Camp Leadership will identify a project based on the current need and the skills of your team. While the service provided by teams is important in and of itself, the opportunity to build relationships, pray for, and minister to the community is the real purpose of the Mission Camps.
For more information on the Red Springs Mission Camp go to http://baptistsonmission.org/camps/red-springs-mission-camp
For more information on the Shelby Mission Camp go to http://baptistsonmission.org/camps/shelby-mission-cam
North Carolina Missions Offering (NCMO)
We're so excited to see what God will do through your gifts to the North Carolina Missions Offering (NCMO). As you're well aware, the ministries of N.C. Baptist Men/Baptists on Mission, church planting, mission camps, associational projects and mobilization ministry projects are supported because of your contributions to NCMO. This year's offering goal is $2.1 million. Churches typically emphasize NCMO in September, but offerings may be received at any time throughout the year.
For more information on NCMO go to http://baptistsonmission.org/News/NCMO-2016
Upside Down Leadership Training to be offered in October at two locations across North Carolina
NCBM/ Baptists on Mission, invites you to a workshop addressing leadership that can be vital to the revitalization of a church or association.
Taylor and Susan Field, director of East 7th Baptist Ministry (Graffiti Ministry) in New York, will lead thisone day Upside Down Leadership workshops on October 8 and October 10. Each workshop will beginwith registration at 9:30 am and conclude at 3 pm. The West Workshop held in Franklin on October 8,the Central Workshop will be held at the Shelby Mission Camp on October 10.
The day will include Taylor and Susan Fields leading training in Upside Down Leadership and itspotential impact, lunch, mission opportunities that your churches can be involved, and a session inUpside Down Devotion. This workshop is for ministry leaders and their spouses. Cost is $20 per personand includes the training, the book Upside Down Leadership and your lunch. You can register online orby contacting Kailyn Eskridge at keskridge@ncbaptist.org (or call 1-919- 459-5596).
To register on-line for the West training (October 8) in Franklin, NC go to
To register on-line for the Central training (October 10) in Shelby, NC go to