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NC Baptist Men/Baptists On Mission
NC Baptist Men/Baptists On Mission
December 16, 2024
Ministries Mission Projects Events Training Camps Church Programs Mission Resources  
ERR Update

We’re thankful to the thousands of volunteers who have answered the call to help our neighbors in Western North Carolina after Hurricane Helene. With the initial response phase coming to a close we want to encourage you to keep in mind, our work of rebuilding homes will be ongoing for several years.

Renovations will soon be completed at our newest rebuild site in Spruce Pine where we look forward to housing volunteers working in Mitchell and surrounding counties.

ERR Sites

Sites will also be established in Burnsville, East Flat Rock and possibly Black Mountain to accommodate volunteers as we begin the process of getting people back in their homes through the ERR (Essential Rapid Repairs) Program.

Would you encourage your church to sponsor a family? $15,000 purchases the supplies and materials to outfit a home with HVAC, new electrical and plumbing, a functioning kitchen and bathroom. The great news is, 110 homes have already been completed or are underway. 100% of all donations are used to help purchase the necessary materials.

Please encourage people you know to volunteer as this will be a long term rebuilding effort.

Dontae/Volunteer Now

Thank you for continuing to help us offer relief for today and hope for tomorrow to our neighbors in Western North Carolina.

Visit our website or follow us on Facebook for the latest updates on our response.


205 Convention Drive, P.O. Box 1107, Cary, NC 27512 | toll free 800.395.5102 | phone 919.467.5100
fax 919.460.6329 | web www.baptistsonmission.org | Send us comments or suggestions.

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