Hurricane Matthew
There is an urgent need for volunteers to help with Hurricane Matthew relief efforts in eastern NC! You do not need to be trained. Teams are needed to help individuals and families remove the wet furniture, floors, walls, and other items as needed. We will need many recovery volunteers for many months to come. Lodging and meals are provided free of charge at our various sites. Youth are also welcomed to participate. Thousands of homes and many thousands of people were affected by Hurricane Matthew. Please share this at your church. If you are interested and able to go and help, please either call 800.395.5102 ext. 5596 or go to our website to sign up: www.baptistsonmission.org/HurricaneMatthew
Get Involved
Thousands of homes and many thousands of people were affected by Hurricane Matthew. North Carolina churches are needed for long-term assistance with cleanup and rebuild efforts so volunteer participation will be a necessity for many months to come. Below are several ways your church can help which includes partnering with flood-affected families and churches:
- You can PARTNER with a flood-affected family or flood-affected church to help them get back in their home or church. For more information contact Kailyn Eskridge at keskridge@ncbaptist.org
- You can PRAY for people who were affected by Hurricane Matthew.
- You can GO and help. (Please either call 800.395.5102 ext. 5596 or go to the Baptists on Mission website to sign up: www.baptistsonmission.org/hurricanematthew
- You can Give to Hurricane Matthew relief efforts where 100% of your donation will benefit those affected by Hurricane Matthew. Make your check payable to NCBM, PO Box 1107, Cary, NC 27512. Designate for Hurricane Matthew. For online donation go to: www.baptistsonmission.org
Deep Impact
Deep Impact Missions Weeks are pre-packaged week long mission experiences sponsored by NCBM that provides Middle and High School students and their leaders with the opportunity to: “Share God's love with people through word and deed.” Youth and leaders will participate in a variety of mission opportunities including construction, VBS/Day Camps, sports evangelism, servant evangelism, prayer walks, and others. For more information contact Tom Beam at 1.800.395.5102, ext. 5626 or by email at tbeam@ncbaptist.org. Website address: http://baptistsonmission.org/camps/deep-impact
Deep Impact Kids
DI Kids Mission weekends and week-long camps are pre-packaged mission experiences for children in grades 1st-5th and their leaders. Children and leaders will participate in a variety of mission opportunities including lite construction, community outreach, and others. For more information contact Dollie Noa at dikidsnc@ncbaptist.org. Website address: http://baptistsonmission.org/camps/di-kids
Teams Needed for National Mission Projects
Requests are in and teams are needed to fill national mission projects in the Appalachian region, Pennsylvania, New England, the Rocky Mountain area, and Hawaii. There are many needs for VBS and other evangelistic outreach teams, as well as sports camps, construction, and more!. For more info. go to: http://baptistsonmission.org/missions/united-states Click on the area in which you are interested for general information and a full list of projects.
Construction Teams Needed in Guatemala
Construction teams are needed throughout the year to build two cottages for orphans in Guatemala. While this will be an extension of the ministry at the Good Shepherd Children’s Home, the cottages will be located on the Good Shepherd Center property, where there is room. The construction of these cottages will be much like that of the Center – adobe, tile, wood framing, plumbing, painting, etc. For more info: http://baptistsonmission.org/Missions/Outside-US/Guatemala. |
Our farm in Cuba is thriving because of the many gifts of livestock, plants and trees to the farm. Operated by the staff of the Retirement Home in Santiago, Cuba, the farm exists to help relieve hunger for those living at the retirement home, seminary and local community. If you would like to be a part of this great ministry, below are some of the prices for the livestock and fruit trees. The prices are rounded off US dollars.
Cows |
$600 |
Chickens |
$.50/chick |
Goat/Sheep |
$45 |
Pig |
$300 ($.75 lb. breed-able sow approx. 400 lbs.) |
Fruit Trees (small, less than one year old ready to transplant):
Mango's |
$2.00 |
Avocado |
$1.20 |
Guava |
$.40 |
Coconut |
$.40 |
Mamey |
$3.20 |
Cherry |
$.40 |
Apple |
$.60 |
Palm Trees, Passion Fruit, and Plantains were also desired plants. Prices will be similar to the other fruit trees. |
Won’t you consider a Christmas gift to the retirement home farm? In honor or in memory of someone? If you would like to contribute for livestock, plants, and trees, please send a check to:
NCBM, PO Box 1107, Cary, NC 27512
Memo line: Cuba Farm
Attn.: Tom Beam/Fatima Roma
Please let us know exactly what your intentions are for the money sent. (Example: $20 for 40 chickens)