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NC Baptist Men/Baptists On Mission
NC Baptist Men/Baptists On Mission
January 12, 2017
Ministries Mission Projects Events Training Camps Church Programs Mission Resources  

Hurricane Matthew
Rebuild efforts are underway at several locations affected by Hurricane Matthew. Volunteers are needed to help install sheetrock, doors, windows, shingles, paint, etc. In addition, we still have some cleanup to do which involved tearing out insulation, sheetrock, cabinets, etc. To help, please sign up at:



DR Training
We will provide 5 NCBM Disaster Relief Trainings this spring for new and experienced disaster relief volunteers. Courses offered include Recovery, Mass Feeding, Medical Reserve Corps, Temporary Emergency Childcare, Communications/IT and more. For more information and to register, go to:



Mission Teams Needed in Pennsylvania
Several pastors and church planters in Pennsylvania have asked for NC Churches to assist them in conducting Backyard Bible Clubs, Sports Clinics, and other outreach for the summer of 2017. There are also some construction needs. Mission teams play a strategic part in helping a church planter or pastor establish a Gospel presence in the community they are working in. Please pray about responding to these urgent needs! For more information, contact Mark Abernathy at 919-459-5607 or mabernathy@ncbaptist.org, or go to our website at:



Mission Teams Needed in New England
Mission Teams are needed to help congregations and church plants in the states of Vermont and Maine. Requests have come in for Vacation Bible School, Backyard Bible Clubs, Sports Clinics, and other outreach for the summer of 2017. There are also several construction needs. New England is highly unreached, and needs the Gospel! Please pray about responding to these urgent needs! For more information, contact Mark Abernathy at 919-459-5607 or mabernathy@ncbaptist.org, or go to our website at:



2017 Missions Conference
Join us on March 17-18, at Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC for the 2017 Missions Conference. Special features include general sessions, mission action break-out sessions, mission fair exhibits, the volunteer supper and mission testimonies. Program personalities include John Ortberg, Anne Graham Lotz, Gary Chapman, Jennifer Rothschild, Terry Rae, Taylor Field and music by the Annie Moses Band. For more information or to register go to:



February Mission Rallies
In February 2017, NCBM will host a series of Regional Mission Rallies across the state. These rallies (10 of them) will highlight the variety of opportunities NC Baptists have to be involved in missions across our state, in our nation, and around the world. Featured will be worship, testimony, mission video, and a prayer time for missions. For more information or to register go to:



Roma Partnership – Medical/Dental Missions
Are you a dentist, dental hygienist, doctor or pharmacist? Would you be interested in joining a medical/dental team to minister to the gypsies in western Ukraine? An experienced medical/dental team in the Raleigh area is seeking additional team members for their 10-day trip, May 17-26, 2017. For more information contact Teresa Jones at (800) 395-5102 ext. 5573 or tajones@ncbaptist.org.  For more information go to:



Roma Partnership – English Bible Camps
In 2012 a change in Hungarian law paved the way for the gospel to be openly shared in the public school setting. Our partners, Hungarian Baptist Aid operate 49 public schools in the poorer regions of Hungary. Since 2014 NC Baptists on Mission have been hosting English Bible Camps in many of these schools. Additional team members are needed on several church teams planning these camps for summer 2017. To check out dates and travel details visit:


Contact Teresa Jones at (800) 395-5102 ext. 5573 or tajones@ncbaptist.org if you are interested in joining a team.


Medical Dental Ministry
Through the Mobile Dental Ministry of NC Baptist Men, 3342 patients received free dental care in 2016.  Churches sponsor these free clinics. Dentists and dental assistants volunteer their time. Contact Joanne Honeycutt to learn how you can be involved in this rewarding ministry. jhoneycutt@ncbaptist.org. For more information go to:



Medical Teams Needed for Haiti
Teams of 6-8 medical volunteers to assist the ALOM clinic in Haiti. All arrangements will be made by NCBM. Tentatively, first trip will occur in May, with additional teams being planned for June, July, and August. Contact Crystal Horton at chorton@ncbaptist.org for additional information. More information to be posted on the baptistsonmission.org website.


Deep Impact
Deep Impact Missions Weeks are pre-packaged week long mission experiences sponsored by NCBM that provides Middle and High School students and their leaders with the opportunity to: “Share God's love with people through word and deed.” Youth and leaders will participate in a variety of mission opportunities including construction, VBS/Day Camps, sports evangelism, servant evangelism, prayer walks, and others.  For more information contact Tom Beam at 1.800.395.5102, ext. 5626 or by email at tbeam@ncbaptist.org. Website address: 



Deep Impact Kids
DI Kids Mission weekends and week-long camps are pre-packaged mission experiences for children in grades 1st-5th and their leaders. Children and leaders will participate in a variety of mission opportunities including lite construction, community outreach, and others. For more information contact Dollie Noa at dikidsnc@ncbaptist.org. Website address:



South Africa Partnership - Door of Hope
Teams are assisting Door of Hope Infant Rescue and Orphanage by building cottages that will house six children and a host couple on a rural property near Johannesburg, South Africa.  Children will be able to live in these cottages until they are 18 years old.  You will make interlocking lightweight concrete blocks and then stack them to build a cottage.  Construction skill is not required!  Contact Paul Langston at plangston@ncbaptist.org or 919-459-5611 for more information or go to:



Church to Church Partnerships
Many churches in eastern NC suffered a great deal of property loss from flooding after Hurricane Matthew. Most of the damage was not insured for churches not in a designated flood plain. You, your church, or your small group can assist an affected congregation by partnering with them in the recovery process. Assistance can be through sending volunteers or financial contributions, but we request that all NC churches commit to diligent prayer that the affected churches experience renewal and revitalization as a result of the damage.  Find out more about partnering by contacting Mark Abernathy at mabernathy@ncbaptist.org or Paul Langston at plangston@ncbaptist.org of calling 800-395-5102. 


205 Convention Drive, P.O. Box 1107, Cary, NC 27512 | toll free 800.395.5102 | phone 919.467.5100
fax 919.460.6329 | web www.baptistsonmission.org | Send us comments or suggestions.

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