Upside Down Leadership Training to be offered in March at three locations across North Carolina
NCBM/ Baptists on Mission, invites you to a workshop addressing leadership that can be vital to the revitalization of a church or association.
Taylor and Susan Field, director of East 7th Baptist Ministry (Graffiti Ministry) in New York, will lead one day Upside Down Leadership workshops across the state on March 14, 15, and 16. Each workshop will begin with registration at 9:30 am and conclude at 3 pm. The East Workshop at the Baptist Building in Cary on March 14, the Central Workshop at Balfour Baptist in Asheboro on March 15, and the Western Workshop at Buncombe Baptist Association in Asheville on March 16.
The day will include Taylor and Susan Fields leading training in Upside Down Leadership and it's potential impact, lunch, mission opportunities that your churches can be involved, and a session in Upside Down Devotion. This workshop is for ministry leaders and their spouses. Cost is $20 per person and includes the training, the book Upside Down Leadership and your lunch. You can register online or by contacting Mary Landis at (or call 1-919-459-5596).
To register on-line for the East training (March 14) in Cary, NC go to
To register on-line for the Central training (March 15) in Asheboro, NC go to
To register on-line for the West training (March 16) in Asheville, NC go to