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Health Screening Ministry

The Baptists on Mission Health Screening Ministry mobile unit is available to churches, collegiate healthcare programs, and service organizations throughout North Carolina.  Target patient populations include the un-insured and underserved throughout the state.

Medical Screening


Churches who wish to sponsor a health screening clinic will need to:


  1. Please call John Reese (1-800-395-5102 ext.5610) to reserve a date for your health screening clinic.

  2. Enlist volunteer staff (i.e. Registered Nurses, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, EMTs, Physicians, dieticians, interpreters, counselors, and general helpers) to work the clinic. Organize a referral network of local free or reduced care clinics to ensure appropriate follow-up care post clinic.  

  3. A deposit of $250 per day is required to secure the date. This deposit is applied toward the total cost of the clinic. (Charges for using the health screening clinic include: $8.00 per patient to help offset the cost of materials used; $0.67/mile roundtrip cost for travel from Cary to the clinic site and back to Cary; actual cost of overnight accommodations and meals for the driver and host (if location is farther than one hour from Cary), use of the on-board generator (if necessary).

  4. Promote the clinic. Identify the target patient group and notify them of the upcoming health screening clinic. 

  5. Make arrangements for the clinic site: parking, electricity, logistics, etc. Often times the best location is not the church, but a shopping center, flea market or other location where people are gathered.

  6. Plan to share the gospel and information about your church with participants. 

  7. Your church may want to provide food or snacks, a prayer tent, hygiene kits, etc.

The Health Screening Ministry offers vitals assessment and BMI calculation, screening for diabetes, high cholesterol, depression, and heart disease. The use of eye screening equipment is available upon request.

Baptists on Mission/NCBM Statement of Faith

Diabetes Screening

Hemoglobin A1C testing is available for diabetes screening. A1C testing provides information about a person’s average blood glucose levels over the past 3 months. This is the primary test used for diabetes management and research. The Health Screening Ministry utilizes an Afinion AS100 for performing A1C testing.


Finger stick glucose testing is available in emergency situations.

Cholesterol Screening

Total cholesterol and HDL are evaluated utilizing the Cholestech LDX. This test requires a finger stick blood sample.

Depression and Heart Disease Screening

A health screening questionnaire is given to each patient. Assessments can be made regarding depression and the potential for heart disease based on the questionnaire responses.

Many people are unable to afford health insurance and do not have a primary care provider. This results in serious health conditions not being identified or treated. The Health Screening Ministry seeks to offer not only a physical solution to this issue, but also a spiritual one as well. Please join us in our efforts to bring both physical and spiritual healing to the people of North Carolina as we share the love of the great physician.

Ministry Goals

  • To meet a physical and tangible need 
  • To Glorify God by involving churches and Christians in meeting human needs in Jesus' name


The Health Screening Ministry is funded by donations. Contributions for this ministry may be sent to:

Baptists on Mission, PO Box 1107, Cary NC 27512

For Further Information
[P] 800-395-5102 ext. 5610



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Baptists On Mission (NC Baptist Men/NCBM) is an auxiliary to the Baptist State Convention of NC, which is a 501c3 tax-exempt organization.


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Contact Us

Please contact us if we can serve you and help you or your church get involved in missions.

PO Box 1107, Cary, North Carolina 27512
205 Convention Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27512

800.395.5102 ext.5596
Melanie Crawford
