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Armenia had a rich Christian heritage as the first Christian nation, but genocide, World War I, and then 70 years of Soviet occupation virtually wiped out the church. The Armenian Baptist Union consisted of just two congregations with one building in 1991.  When Baptists on Mission began working in Armenia in 2001 that number had grown to about 30 congregations. 

Recently, war with Azerbaijan has increased the urgency of the task in Armenia. The Armenian Baptist Union sends out several new church planters every year into strategic areas.

Baptists on Mission teams will be work with the Baptist Union of Armenia and national pastors to reach communities for Christ. This will be accomplished through Vacation Bible Schools, men's and women's conferences, leadership training, construction and/or remodeling of buildings for churches, sports, music/drama, and health or eye glass clinics.

Pictures from Armenia Trips.
Gyumri - eye
 Maranatha-2019-(Thumbnail)-Yervan-(7).JPG     Armenia-VBS-10-(1).jpg 

18-06-Armenia-Pastors-0141.jpg   18-06-Armenia-Medical-0259-(3).jpg
  Armenia Opportunities  
Armenia AR25-01

3/18/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects
Moldova MO25-101

3/25/2025 4:27:16 PM

Outside US MissionsInternational ProjectsMoldova
Armenia AR25-02

5/13/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects
Armenia AR25-03

5/20/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects
Armenia AR25-04

6/4/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects
Armenia AR25-05

6/18/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects
Armenia AR25-06

7/10/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects
Armenia AR25-07

7/24/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects
Armenia AR25-06A

7/24/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects
Armenia AR25-08

8/14/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects
Armenia AR25-09

9/4/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects
Armenia AR25-10

10/23/2025 5:06:14 PM

ArmeniaBackyard Bible ClubConstruction MissionConstruction ProjectsEvangelism OutreachInternational Projects