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In 2024, Baptists on Mission (BOM) will sponsor mission teams to Kenya. Our teams participate in the Houses of Hope project, through which houses are built for families in need, Bible studies are conducted in homes, and churches are planted. Click here to download a 2024 Kenya Houses of Hope flyer.

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Houses of Hope Project

THE MISSION: As part of a church planting strategy, mission teams are assisting in the construction of houses for families in need. Local pastors are active in planning, conducting, and follow-up of each project. The recipients of the houses are determined by the village, and are usually widows, women who have been abandoned by their husbands, or someone with a disability. Often, these families are unable to keep their houses up to safe, sanitary standards. The house-building project brings the community together for service to one of its members and exposes them to the Gospel through a house dedication service. After the team has departed, local pastors follow up in the homes with Bible Study. The hope is that a church will start out of this, and several have.

TEAM TASKS:  Each mission team assists in building four houses in four days. Any team, including those with men, women, and/or older students, can assist in the building of houses. The team works with a team of three Kenyan builders each day. In addition, teams have opportunity to: 1) visit door to door in the villages - sharing their testimony and the plan of salvation, 2) conduct children’s ministry, 3) participate in a children’s feeding program, and/or 4) witness in local schools. The day concludes with a house dedication service that the whole village attends. 

If team is interested, and has a pastor or two to lead, a local pastor and house church leader training can be organized for one of the four “work days” of the trip. This would likely be held in a local church. Pastors, house church leaders, and Bible study leaders from the area would be invited. Teaching would take place in the morning and afternoon, with a break for lunch. Training will need to be very basic, and many, or most participants will not have had any formal training. This could involve just one or two team members while the others participate in normal Houses of Hope activities described above. Team would be asked to provide some funds to help with the lunch for participants. (Usually just a few hundred dollars). 

TRIP DATES: Trip dates can be worked out almost any time throughout the year for a church or assocational team. Travel typically begins with a Tuesday departure from NC and concludes with a return to NC on the following Friday. Contact Mark Abernathy at the Baptists on Mission office at 919-459-5607 or, with dates in mind. We will then confirm the dates with our contacts in Kenya. (Note that the projects listed at the bottom of this page have been set up for specific teams that are already planning to go - they are not "open" dates.) 
TEAM SIZE: Because of transportation costs, the ideal team size is six to eight members, but larger groups ( not more than 15-16) can also be accommodated. Individuals or couples wishing to go may be able to add to an existing team. Contact our office if interested. 
LOGISTICS: Baptists on Mission will arrange airfare, lodging, in-country transportation, and other logistics for each team. A Kenyan support team will work with each team once on the field, including translators and skilled laborers for construction teams. Teams stay in a hotel their first night, and then in a clean, trusted guesthouse once on the field. Breakfast and supper are provided at the guesthouse. Each traveler must have a valid passport with at least six months remaining on it from time of departure. A Kenyan visa will be purchased online prior to departure. Instructions will be sent. Hepititus A, Typhoid, Tetanus vaccinations, and Malaria medication are recommended. 
PER PERSON COST: Exact cost of the project will vary depending on current airfare. Ground cost is approximately $950-1050 per person* and is based on an 11 day trip. This includes food, lodging, in-country transportation, bottled water, orientation, volunteer insurance, and one night's stay at one of Kenya's world renowned game parks. Airfare typically runs between $1200 and $1800 depending on time of year, with summer months typically being the most expensive.

OTHER COSTS: The cost of each house (which includes materials and salary for small team of local craftsmen) is $400. Thus, materials cost for a team of 6-8 will be $1600. Occasionally, depending on availablity, BOM can contribute some of the cost for these houses (up to four houses) IF funds are available. Otherwise, the team members, church, or associaiton will need to take care of these costs. Teams larger than 8 willl need to take care of the funds for any additional houses (past four). 

GAME PARK VISIT: All Kenya teams will enjoy a one-night stay at Masai Mara game park on their way back to Nairobi. Cost for this is included in the overall price.
Tuesday Depart US
Wednesday Arrive Nairobi PM; stay in hotel/guesthouse in Nairobi
Thursday Travel to Ahero (near Kisumu); Arrive, settle into guesthouse
Friday Build first house; minister in community; house dedication
Saturday Build second house; minister in community; house dedication
Sunday Worship in local church and visit Kisumu area
Monday Build third house; minister in community; house dedication
Tuesday Build fourth house; minister in community; house dedication
Wednesday Travel to Masai Mara Game Park; lunch at lodge; game drive in late afternoon
Thursday Breakfast at lodge; game drive in AM; drive back to Nairobi; cleanup; fly out PM
Friday Arrive back in US

More Information

For more information on the Kenya Work & Witness Teams contact Mark Abernathy with Baptists on Mission:

[P] 919-459-5607

  Kenya Opportunities  
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