Rebuild Centers in Eastern and Western NC
Brand new homes are going up at our rebuild centers in Haywood County (Canton), Rose Hill (Charity), and Lumberton! Homes are being renovated at all three of those sites plus in New Bern. You can help a family return to their home after waiting 2-5 years!
Sign up to serve in Eastern NC at https://baptistsonmission.org/Mission-Projects/By-Mission-Type/Disaster-Relief/Hurricane-Florence/Get-Involved.
For Haywood County sign up at https://baptistsonmission.org/haywood.
Samaritan Colony Women's Center
You can offer hope to women who are rebuilding their lives as they overcome addictions by helping build Samaritan Colony Women's Center in Rockingham. Contact Dennis Holloway for more information or to volunteer.
Construction Skills Training
Hands on training for those with limited construction experience! Become more familiar with things like hanging and finishing drywall, laying vinyl plank flooring, framing a wall, building a wheelchair ramp, and more!
Go to https://baptistsonmission.org/training/construction-training to register.
Mission Camps
Your church can make Christ visible to the community by serving at one of our mission camps in Rose Hill, Shelby, or Red Springs. Students and adults can build a wheelchair ramp, do VBS type ministry, provide meals to those in need, and a lot more! You can serve for a day, a week, or longer.
Register yourself or your team at https://baptistsonmission.org/camps.
Health Screening Ministry
Consider hosting a Health Screening clinic as a community outreach event for your church. It's a great way to meet a physical need and share Jesus at the same time!
Please contact John Reese for more information at healthscreening@ncbaptist.org
Kids One-Day Mission
Plan now to join us for a Kid’s Mission Day...
October 21 – Lighthouse BC, Sylva
November 4 – Bethlehem BC, Knightdale
November 18 – Rose Hill Mission Center
Register Now: https://baptistsonmission.org/dikids
Marriage Enrichment Conference
Join Tom and Jackie Richter at the Marriage Enrichment Conference on Saturday, November 4, 2023 at Pleasant Garden Baptist Church in Pleasant Garden, NC. Registration and light breakfast will begin at 8:00 am. Sessions will begin at 9:00 am and conclude at 3:00 pm.
2024 Deep Impact Student Mission Weeks
Registration is now open for the summer of 2024 Deep Impact Student Mission Weeks.
Visit https://baptistsonmission.org/di to learn more about our mission week locations and to register your group.
2024 Deep Impact Summer Staff
The application process is open for any High School Senior, College Student, or Young Adult interested in serving on our Deep Impact Summer Mission Staff.
Visit https://baptistsonmission.org/distaff to learn more and begin the application process.
2024 Youth and College Leaders Mission Retreat
Mark your calendar for March 14-16, 2024 for our Youth and College Leaders Mission Retreat at the Charity Mission Camp in Rose Hill, NC. Join Youth Ministry and College Ministry Leaders from across the state for a time of missional service, networking, and worship.
Visit https://baptistsonmission.org/di to learn more and register your group.
Appalachian Christmas Outreach Collection Day
The statewide collection date for the Appalachian Christmas Outreach backpacks is Saturday, November 4. Thirty-seven collection sites are set up across the state. These sites are listed on our website at: https://baptistsonmission.org/Appalachian-Christmas-Outreach Contact Mark Abernathy at mabernathy@ncbaptist.org if you have questions.
2024 National Mission Opportunities
Mission team requests for VBS, backyard Bible clubs, sports camps, camp cooks, construction projects, and more, have come in from our partners in Appalachia, Pennsylvania, New England, Rocky Mountain, and Alaska for 2024. For more information visit our website at: https://baptistsonmission.org/mission-projects/united-states or contact mabernathy@ncbaptist.org.
Men’s Worship Rallies
BOM Men’s Ministry Team will host five worship rallies for men across the state in the month of November. Bring the men of your church and join others from the region as we pursue being the men God created us to be. Supper begins at 6:15 pm and rally concludes by 8:30 pm. The cost is $5 per person and will help offset the cost of the meal. For more information or to register visit our website at: http://baptistsonmission.org/Church-Programs/Men-s-Ministry/Men-s-Worship-Rallies or contact mabernathy@ncbaptist.org.