Rebuild Centers in Eastern and Western NC
Brand new homes are going up at our rebuild centers in Haywood County (Canton), Rose Hill (Charity), and Lumberton! Homes are being renovated at all three of those sites plus in New Bern. You can help a family return to their home after waiting 2-5 years!
Sign up to serve in Eastern NC at https://baptistsonmission.org/Mission-Projects/By-Mission-Type/Disaster-Relief/Hurricane-Florence/Get-Involved
For Haywood County sign up at https://baptistsonmission.org/haywood
Is your church or small group signed up to ServeNC?
ServeNC is an opportunity for every NC Baptist church to love its community in Jesus’ name through community service projects. Whether it’s painting a school, cleaning up a yard or serving meals to those in need, your church knows your community’s specific needs and can choose the best project to make a difference through ServeNC. Commit your church to being on mission together and display the gospel sometime during the week of Aug. 3-10, 2024.
Marriage Refresh Conference
Join Tom and Jackie Richter at the Marriage Refresh Conference on Saturday, September 7, 2024 at First Baptist Church in Sanford, NC. Family Foundations Ministry of Baptists on Mission is sponsoring “Marriage Refresh Conference." This is a one day marriage conference from 8 am - 3:30 pm. The cost of the conference will be $40 per couple and that includes conference materials and lunch.
Mission Camps
Your church can make Christ visible to the community by serving at one of our mission camps in Rose Hill, Shelby, or Red Springs. Students and adults can build a wheelchair ramp, do VBS type ministry, provide meals to those in need, and a lot more! You can serve for a day, a week, or longer.
Register yourself or your team at https://baptistsonmission.org/camps
Health Screening Ministry
Consider hosting a Health Screening clinic as a community outreach event for your church. It's a great way to meet a physical need and share Jesus at the same time! Please contact John Reese for more information at healthscreening@ncbaptist.org
Dental Bus Ministry
Share Jesus’ love with your neighbors by holding a Dental Clinic in your community. For more information contact Krissy Watson at kwatson@ncbaptist.org. For more information on the dental ministry go to:
National Mission Projects
It’s not too late to secure a national mission project for your church team. We still have great lists of project requests from our partners in Appalachia, Pennsylvania, New England, the Rocky Mountains, Alaska and Hawaii. Click the link at the top of each partnership page to see a .pdf list of projects, look through the offerings, and contact our office to be put in contact with the requester.
Start by visiting: https://baptistsonmission.org/mission-projects/united-states
2024 Deep Impact Student Mission Weeks
The 2024 Deep Impact Summer Mission Weeks are fast approaching. Several of our locations have open spots and we would love to have your student ministry join hundreds of other students and adult leaders serving on mission this summer across North Carolina.
Visit https://baptistsonmission.org/di to learn more about our mission week locations and to register your group.
DI Kids
Register Now for DI KIDS... a great summer Mission Experiences for kids 1st-5th grade in Red Springs, Hendersonville, Shelby, Blowing Rock, and Charity Mission Center! Check out dates/locations here:
Or bring your family to our overnight mission experience in Shelby, June 7-8! Come together as a family (all ages) to worship, play, and serve together!
DI Kids Mission Day
Space still available for a SPRING/SUMMER
- May 4 – Hamptonville, NC (Mt View BC)
- May 4 – Alexis, NC (Alexis BC)
- Aug 3 – Red Springs, NC (Mission Camp)
For more information: dnoa@ncbaptist.org or missions@ncbaptist.org
Register at baptistsonmission.org/dikids
Want to bring Deep Impact to your church or association?
Contact Student Mobilization Consultant Brandon Powell (bpowell@ncbaptist.org or 919-459-5626) to learn how hosting a Deep Impact One-Day Mission Experience in your church or association can impact your community for Christ and transform your student ministry. |