Polk County Flood
A long season of rain created dangerous landslides and flooding in Polk County. Teams are needed to help homeowners by removing the debris, mud, wet furniture, sheetrock, floors, etc. from flooded homes. We provide food, housing, and coordination. To help, sign up at www.baptistsonmission.org/polkcounty
Regional Rallies to be Held in August
This August, NCBM will host a series of Mission Rallies across the state. These rallies (10 of them) will highlight the variety of opportunities NC Baptists have to be involved in missions across our state, in our nation, and around the world. Featured will be worship, testimonies, mission videos, a prayer time for missions and information on the NC Missions Offering. These rallies are for men, women and youth- everyone interested in missions is encouraged to attend. A meal is provided for the NC Mission Rallies at no charge, but reservations are necessary to ensure an accurate meal count. For more information go to:
If you have any questions or need to register by phone contact Kailyn Eskridge at 800.395.5102 x 5596.
Puerto Rico – (Hurricane Maria Roof Repair)
With the terrific turnout of teams to Puerto Rico we have been able to repair almost 80 roofs since January of this year. However, as you know, there are many more roofs to repair so we have opened an additional 18 weeks from August 26, 2018-January 26, 2019. The cost is $600 which covers airfare, food, housing, accident insurance, and in-country ground transportation. Materials are provided. To sign up your church team, go to www.baptistsonmission.org/puertorico
Deep Impact Kids
It is not too late to sign up your children’s group for DI Kids Mission weeks, mini-weeks, or weekend camps. DI Kids are pre-packaged mission experiences for children in grades 1-5 and their leaders. Children and leaders will participate in a variety of mission opportunities including light construction, community outreach, senior adult ministry, and others. Space is still available in Red Springs, Shelby, Blowing Rock, and Mundo Vista. For more information contact Dollie Noa at dnoa@ncbaptist.org.
Armenia - Assisting Church Planters in the Land of Noah
Church Planters in Armenia are reaching Kurds, Yazidi, Syrians, and residents of war torn Nagorno-Karabakh. Leaders from the entire region are trained at the seminary in Yerevan. Assist them through financial support or by sending a team to do evangelism, construction, VBS, medical clinics, eyeglass clinics, or lead conferences for pastors and other church leaders. Priority needs: support for five new church planters, funds for completion of the church pictured above in Yerevan, and a seminary satellite in Nagorno-Karabakh. For more information contact Paul Langston at plangston@ncbaptist.org or volunteer at:
There is Still Space in a Few DI Camps for Summer 2018
Deep Impact Missions Weeks are pre-packaged week long mission experiences sponsored by Baptists on Mission/NC Baptist Men that provides Middle and High School students and their leaders with the opportunity to: “Share God's love with people through word and deed.” Youth and leaders will participate in a variety of mission opportunities including construction, VBS/Day Camps, sports evangelism, community outreach, prayer walks, and others. For more information contact Tom Beam at 1.800.395.5102, ext. 5626 or by email at tbeam@ncbaptist.org. Click here: Deep Impact
Back to School Outreach
Ministry centers in central Appalachia, and one in Pennsylvania need assistance with back-to-school events that would include providing backpacks of school supplies to distribute to children. Teams are needed for late July and early August. Outreach may include games, refreshments and gospel presentation using drama, puppets, etc. Teams may also prepare boxes of school supplies and gifts of appreciation for teachers. The team leader will be put in touch with a ministry center to make specific plans. To learn more about how you and your church can help with this project, please visit our website at: https://baptistsonmission.org/bom/appalachian-coalfields/ac18-035-central-appalachia/3623, or contact Mark Abernathy at mabernathy@ncbaptist.org (919-459-5607)