Puerto Rico
Teams are needed to replace roofing systems in Puerto Rico for homeowners affected by Hurricanes Irma and/or Maria. NCBM has just extended our plans to continue working in San Juan through the end of May 2019.
The purpose of being in Puerto Rico is to show God's love in a tangible way. Teams of 5 to 8 members are needed to set rafters and install tin or similar roof covering. TRIP COST: $600. This includes round-trip airfare, insurance, in-country transportation, in-country logistical support, lodging, most meals, orientation materials, T-shirt and building materials.
Register your team at https://baptistsonmission.org/Mission-Projects/United-States/Puerto-Rico or contact Joanne Honeycutt 800-395-5102 ext 5606.
Church Day
Once again this year, Baptists on Mission and Wake Forest University Athletics will sponsor Church Day. The game will be Saturday, November 3 against Syracuse. You can click on this link to register. Church Day.
Contact Tom Beam for more information: tbeam@ncbaptist.org or (800)395-5102, ext. 5626
Drivers/Hosts Needed!
Do you like to see new places in North Carolina? Do you like to meet new people and share the love of Christ? The Health Screening Ministry mobile unit is in need of drivers/hosts (who live within a one hour radius of Cary NC). You do not need a CDL to drive the mobile unit. Most clinics are on Saturdays. We have a training/orientation session planned for Tuesday September 25th. Please contact Crystal Horton for more information (chorton@ncbaptist.org or 919-459-5610)
Deep Impact Kids
DI Kids 2018 is finishing up a successful season with our final DI Kids 2018 at Mundo on September 7-9. Planning is happening now for DI Kids 2019. There are new locations and lots of options for your children’s groups. Updated information will be posted on the website and registration will begin on September 1, 2018. For more information contact Dollie Noa at dnoa@ncbaptist.org or 800-395-5102 ext 5598. Website address:
RA Ambassadors
RA Leadership Training dates are September 8 in Mooresville, NC and on September 15 in Eureka, NC. The content will deal with how to have a vibrant, well rounded Royal Ambassador program – one that leads boys to grow spiritually while involving them in mission and ministry. Cost $10.
RA Camporee at Camp Durant in Carthage, NC is September 28-30, 2018. Registration deadline is September 21. Cost $25.
You can register online at https://baptistsonmission.org/church-programs/royal-ambassadors or call Kailyn Eskridge at 800-395-5102 ext 5596.
The Deep Impact Webpage has Been Update to Reflect 2019 Dates, Locations and Costs
Deep Impact Missions Weeks are pre-packaged week long mission experiences sponsored by Baptists on Mission providing Middle and High School students and their leaders with the opportunity to: “Share God's love with people through word and deed.” Youth and leaders will participate in a variety of mission opportunities including construction, VBS/Day Camps, sports evangelism, community outreach, prayer walks, and others.
For more information contact Tom Beam at 1.800.395.5102, ext. 5626 or by email at tbeam@ncbaptist.org. Click here: Deep Impact
Construstion Teams Needed for 2019
Construction teams are needed to continue work at the Baptist Retirement Home in Santiago, Cuba and at the new Seminary site in Santa Clara, Cuba. Work includes pouring cement, laying block, etc. Teams must be registered at least 90 days before start of trip. Click here for more information: Cuba Construction Teams
Contact Tom Beam at tbeam@ncbaptist.org or 1.800.395.5102, ext. 5626 for more information.
Men’s Ministry Leadership Training
Two one-day training conferences will be held September 8 (Mooresville) and September 15 (Goldsboro). Content will include how to have a vibrant, well-rounded Men’s Ministry – one that leads men to grow spiritually while involving them in missions and ministry. Come enjoy the fellowship and network with men’s leaders from across the state while you sharpen your leadership skills! Training begins at 10 am and concludes by 4 pm. The cost is $10 per person and will cover the cost of lunch. For more information visit our website at:
http://baptistsonmission.org/Church-Programs/Men-s-Ministry/Men-s-Leadership-Training or contact NC Baptist Men at 919-467-5607 or mabernathy@ncbaptist.org.