Hurricane Florence Rebuild Volunteers Are Needed
There are still many people who need help getting back in their homes from Hurricane Florence. Our Florence Rebuild Centers are open and operating at a greatly reduced capacity so that we can follow all Covid-19 protocols. We are practicing the 3 Ws (wait, wash, wear a mask) while staying and working. Please do not come if you are high risk. Lodging and meals are provided (there is a $10 per person per day fee for lodging, 3 meals and supplemental insurance) as well as all building materials.
To sign up go to https://baptistsonmission.org/Florence
Mission opportunities to Cuba for 2021 have been set. Because of travel restrictions between the US and Cuba, our projects will consist of construction at the seminary in Santa Clara. All flights will arrive and depart from Havana.
For available weeks, please visit our website: https://baptistsonmission.org/Mission-Projects/Outside-US/Cuba
Hope in the Midst of War
A long-standing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has exploded into war in the Nagorno-Karabakh region that is the focus of a major church planting effort by Armenian Baptists. Offer hope through financial support of Armenian pastors or hundreds of refugees cared for by Armenian Baptists. Contact Paul Langston at plangston@ncbaptist.org or 919-604-4778 for more information.
Make A Year-End Financial Gift
As 2020 ends, please consider making a year-end gift to Baptists on Mission. The Covid-19 pandemic opened many new avenues of life-changing ministry to Baptists on Mission, but it also created challenges for collection of the NC Missions Offering that provides the entire regular budget for Baptists on Mission. You can choose a particular ministry area or partnership or give to be used where most needed.
Dental Ministry
The Dental ministry has resumed operation and has held 16 successful clinics. Added safety features include HEPA air filters in each room, Dryshield mouthpieces to reduce aerosol spray from drilling, face shields, N95 masks, and UVC sterilization boxes and lots of cleaning supplies. New policies were established for pre-screening of patients and volunteers in an effort to reduce exposure risks. There are still open 2021 dates available. CDL drivers that reside within one hour of Cary are needed.
Contact Julie Dolinger at 919-459-5603 or jdolinger@ncbaptist.org
Men’s Worship Rallies
NCBM’s Men’s Ministry Team will host five worship rallies for men across the state in the month of November. Rallies will feature worship, a challenging message for men, discussion, and prayer. Bring the men of your church and join others from the region as we pursue being the men God created us to be. We will be observing COVID protocols for these gatherings, including face coverings and social distancing. Supper begins at 6:15 pm and rally concludes by 8:30 pm. The cost is $5 per person and will help offset the cost of the meal.
For more information or to register visit our website at: http://baptistsonmission.org/Church-Programs/Men-s-Ministry/Men-s-Worship-Rallies or contact Mark Abernathy at 919-459-5607 or mabernathy@ncbaptist.org.
2021 National Mission Opportunities
Scores of requests for VBS, Backyard Bible Clubs, Sports Camps, and various construction projects, have come in from our partners in Appalachia, Pennsylvania, New England, Hawaii, Rocky Mountain, and Alaska for 2021. While COVID-19 has forced all of us to remain flexible, we do believe that the best course of action is to plan for mission service next year, make informed decisions according to the latest information, and trust God every step of the way! Each of these requests represents a cry for help from a congregation striving to reach their communities for Christ. Please pray about your church’s response!
For more information visit our website at: https://baptistsonmission.org/mission-projects/united-states or contact NC Baptists on Mission at 919-467-5607 or mabernathy@ncbaptist.org.