Sign up now for the April 5-6, Missions Conference
The 2024 Missions Conference will be held on April 5-6, at Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte. Highlights include the 3 general sessions, breakout sessions, mission fair exhibits, mission testimonies, the volunteer opportunities supper and more! Plan to come and bring a group from your church!
Is your church or small group signed up to ServeNC?
ServeNC is an opportunity for every NC Baptist church to love its community in Jesus’ name through community service projects. Whether it’s painting a school, cleaning up a yard or serving meals to those in need, your church knows your community’s specific needs and can choose the best project to make a difference through ServeNC. Commit your church to being on mission together and display the gospel sometime during the week of Aug. 3-10, 2024.
Mission Camps
Your church can make Christ visible to the community by serving at one of our mission camps in Rose Hill, Shelby, or Red Springs. Students and adults can build a wheelchair ramp, do VBS type ministry, provide meals to those in need, and a lot more! You can serve for a day, a week, or longer.
Register yourself or your team at https://baptistsonmission.org/camps
Health Screening Ministry
Consider hosting a Health Screening clinic as a community outreach event for your church. It's a great way to meet a physical need and share Jesus at the same time! Please contact John Reese for more information at healthscreening@ncbaptist.org
Dental Bus Ministry
Share Jesus’ love with your neighbors by holding a Dental Clinic in your community. For more information contact Krissy Watson at kwatson@ncbaptist.org. For more information on the dental ministry go to:
Rebuild Centers
Can you imagine being out of your home for two years? For five years? Now imagine that you are one of the volunteers that helps that family return to their repaired or reconstructed home! Sign up to serve in:
Construction Skills Training
Hands on missions training for those with limited construction experience! Become more familiar with things like hanging and finishing drywall, laying vinyl plank flooring, framing a wall, building a wheelchair ramp, and more!
Go to https://baptistsonmission.org/training/construction-training to register.
South Africa/Door of Hope Partnership
Offer hope to the hopeless by helping build homes at Door of Hope Village near Johannesburg, South Africa for infants who were abandoned. Teams will make concrete blocks, build with blocks made by previous teams, and turn a farm into a village.
Go to https://baptistsonmission.org/Mission-Projects/Outside-US/South-Africa for more information or to register your team.
Baptist Builders
Samaritan Colony in Rockingham, NC - Help build a residential treatment center for women who are rebuilding their lives by overcoming addictions. You can bless the fourteen ladies at a time who will call this home by volunteering.
Contact Dennis Holloway at 910-995-1676 to volunteer.
Disaster Response Spring Trainings
Disaster Response Spring Trainings are great opportunities to be introduced to DR and give each person an opportunity to deploy when disaster strikes. Click here for a description of classes offered. Space is still available March 9 in Raleigh, March 23 in Huntersville, April 20 in Forest City and May 4 in Dillsboro. Click here to register. For more information email Tracey at tford@ncbaptist.org or Tom at tbeam@ncbaptist.org.
Work continues in Santa Clara and Santiago, Cuba. Most projects are construction/maintenance in nature. Some ministry projects can accompany the construction/maintenance work. For more information about trips please visit this link. We also have a water purification ministry in Cuba. Contact Tom Beam to sign up for a week, for questions about the water units or for general questions at tbeam@ncbaptist.org.
National Mission Projects
Now is the time to plan a national missions project for 2024. We have a great list of project requests from our partners in Appalachia, Pennsylvania, New England, the Rocky Mountains, and Alaska. Click the link at the top of each partnership page to see a .pdf list of projects, look through the offerings, and contact our office to be put in contact with the requester. Start by visiting:
2024 Deep Impact Student Mission Weeks
Registration is still open for many of our 2024 Deep Impact Student Mission Weeks this summer.
Deep Impact Student Mission Weeks provide your group the opportunity to serve alongside other students and churches from across NC through hands-on mission projects
Visit https://baptistsonmission.org/di to learn more about our mission week locations and to register your group.
DI Kids
Register NOW for great summer Mission Experiences for kids 1st-5th grade through DI Kids! Check out dates/locations here:
Plan now to attend a DI Kids Mission Day
On May 4, Aug 3, Sept 28, Oct 5 or Oct 19. For more information: dnoa@ncbaptist.org or missions@ncbaptist.org
Register at baptistsonmission.org/dikids
2024 RA Race Day
April 20, 2024 @ Charity Mission Center, Rose Hill, NC For information:
Men’s Outdoor Weekend May 3-4
Bring the men of your church for an inspiring weekend of outdoor fun and fellowship May 3-4 at Camp Caraway near Asheboro! We begin Friday night with worship and campfire fellowship. Saturday includes participation and competition in skeet, rifles, pistol, archery, tomahawk throw, fishing, and more. This is a great opportunity to retreat with your men. For more information, call 919-459-5607 or visit our website at: https://baptistsonmission.org/outdoorweekend