Regional Rallies to be Held in February
In February 2019, Baptists on Mission will host 10 Regional Mission Rallies across the state. These rallies will highlight the variety of opportunities NC Baptists have to be involved in missions across our state, in our nation, and around the world (including Disaster Relief). The rally includes supper, worship, testimonies, mission videos, and a prayer time for missions. Anyone interested in missions is encouraged to attend. There is no charge for the meal and program at the Rallies, but reservations are necessary to ensure an accurate meal count. The meal will begin at 5:45 pm, followed by the program from 6:50pm-8:30pm. To register, click on the link below or you can register by phone by calling Tracey Ford at 919-459-5596.
NC Projects That Move Your Church Out of Their Seats and Into the Streets
The first step of moving from the pew (or chair) out into the community is critical if we want to impact our communities for Christ. Construction Skills Training at our Mission Camps introduces you to useful basic construction skills, Operation Inasmuch mobilizes your church in your own community, and Impact NC allows you to assist churches across the state. For more information, please contact Paul Langston at plangston@ncbaptist.org.
Deep Impact Kids
Register now for DI Kids and don’t miss these great mission camp opportunities for your children in grade 1st-5th and their leaders. DI Kids has a variety of camp options (weekends, mini-weeks, weeks) to fit your children’s ministry. Be a part of equipping our children in hands-on mission involvement. For more information contact Dollie Noa at dnoa@ncbaptist.org.
National Mission Opportunities
Scores of requests for VBS, Backyard Bible Clubs, Sports Camps, and other Evangelistic Outreach, have come in from our partners in Appalachia, Pennsylvania, New England, Hawaii, Rocky Mountain, and Alaska. There are many construction-related requests as well. Each of these represents a cry for help from a pastor or church planter striving to reach their communities for Christ. Your church can make a real Kingdom difference! For more information visit our website at:
https://baptistsonmission.org/Mission-Projects/United-States/New-England or contact NC Baptists on Mission at 919-467-5607 or mabernathy@ncbaptist.org.
New Partnership with Alaska!
Known as the Last Frontier, our 49th state is alive with adventure - rough, rugged, and beautiful. Alaska is populated by hardy, independent folk. The opportunity for sharing Christ and furthering His Kingdom here is wide open. The majority of Alaskan Baptist congregations are small in number. Many are located in isolated areas. Our participation in missions in Alaska provides needed resources, leadership, and possibly most importantly, - encouragement. Be in prayer about this exciting Partnership and your participation in it! For more information visit our website at:
https://baptistsonmission.org/Mission-Projects/United-States/Alaska or contact NC Baptists on Mission at 919-467-5607 or mabernathy@ncbaptist.org.
Youth Groups
Deep Impact Missions Weeks are pre-packaged week long mission experiences sponsored by Baptists on Mission providing Middle and High School students and their leaders with the opportunity to: “Share God's love with people through word and deed.” Youth and leaders will participate in a variety of mission opportunities including construction, VBS/Day Camps, sports evangelism, community outreach, prayer walks, and others. For more information contact Tom Beam at 1.800.395.5102, ext. 5626 or by email at tbeam@ncbaptist.org.