Baptists Missions Conference
Due to concerns about Covid, the April 2021 Baptists Missions Conference in Charlotte has been canceled. The 2022 Conference will be held at Calvary Baptist in Winston-Salem on March 25-26, 2022. Please place that on your calendar now for next year.
Lowes 4Pros
Sign up today and every time you shop at Lowes, Baptists on Mission (BOM) Disaster Relief receives a 5% rebate. It’s that simple, you still receive your normal discounts and BOM benefits as well. To sign up click this link https://baptistsonmission.org/lowes
Regional Rally
Join us on Thursday, February 25 at 7 pm for updates on the work of Baptists on Mission, volunteer testimonies, and more.
You can go to www.facebook.com/ncmissions or access through your Facebook page.
In an effort to assist parents and churches in protecting their children while spending more time online we have resources available about online safety and how to discuss these important issues with your children.
Check out these and other resources to help you meet the needs in your community: www.baptistsonmission.org/compassion
DI Kids
We are excited to offer several kids (1st-5th grade) hands-on mission opportunities for your church with COVID safety guidelines in place.
Register now for a DI Kids 2021 event or for more info see www.baptistsonmission.org/dikids
Healthcare Providers needed for COVID vaccine clinic in Alamance County
There is an ongoing need for healthcare providers to assist with vaccine administration in Alamance County M-F. If you are able to help, please follow the instructions listed on our webpage. You can work one day, or multiple days.
If you are a healthcare provider and can help, please email Crystal Horton at chorton@ncbaptist.org
Help Residents of Sparta, NC Affected by the August 2020 Earthquake
Residents of Sparta, NC are recovering from an earthquake that damaged many homes in August 2020. Volunteers are needed to help make repairs to allow them to stay in their homes this winter. You can volunteer by contacting Baptists on Mission site leader Mitch Callaway at e.sparta@ncmissions.org.