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AK24-012a Whittier, Alaska

Cabin Renovation for Youth Ministry Center
Whittier, AK
Teams are needed to assist local church is renovating a cabin for use as a youth ministry center in unique Alaskan community. Whittier is on the beautiful Passage Canal coast and accessible only through a two and a half mile bimodal (train and automobile) tunnel that cuts through the mountains about 60 miles south of Anchorage. Most of the town’s population live in one 14 story “high rise” building – hence the nickname “the town under one roof”. Team leader will work with the requestor to plan activities, which may include framing, drywall, electrical, plumbing, painting, finish work, etc. Team will stay in the town school facilities in classrooms. The school has bathrooms and showers that the team can use, as well as kitchen facilities. [This could be combined with some outreach activities if team desires – AK24-011]
Length of assignment: One week
Preferred Dates: Late Spring/Summer/Early Fall 2024 (flexible)
Costs: Travel to AK, food and supplies

  Event Details  

Date and Time

From: Wednesday, May 1, 2024

To: Saturday, September 28, 2024

The program is for an overnight stay

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Event Contacts

Mark Abernathy
(919) 459-5607

Melanie Crawford
(919) 459-5596


Whittier, AK, USA

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Team Member AK24-012a
Choose "1" under "Choose Quantity". Note: A Team Leader has been registered for this project. In order to add to the project, you will need to know the "team name" (not the project number). This is a name that the team leader assigned when he/she signed up for the project. If you do not know this team name, please see your team leader or contact Mark Abernathy at or 919-459-5607. Costs for national projects vary. The team leader will negotiate costs with the project requester on the field and communicate this information to the team.
