Baptists on Mission exists to Glorify God by involving churches and Christians in meeting human needs in Jesus’ name
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Christ Calls Every Christian to be a Missionary. This doesn't mean we have to travel to another country. We can be missionaries in our own community. We each have God-given gifts and talents that can be used to help others. Baptists on Mission's volunteerism program connects adults and students with missions opportunities suited just for them.
Ever been on a missions trip where you were involved in serving others for the glory of God? Did you want to bring a little of the joy you experienced during your trip into your everyday life? Today many people are doing missions in their own backyards! God is inspiring more and more communities and churches to begin their own consistent acts of service. Here is a list of many different local church mission project ideas about how to do them.
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Volunteers are serving all across North Carolina in a variety of ways. Join us for ministry in a variety of ways and in a variety of places. There are many opportunities right in your community through Local Projects and "Serve NC". There are also great opportunities and needs at our Rebuild Centers and at our Mission Camps in Red Springs, Shelby and Rose Hill.
Volunteers are serving all across the United States in a variety of ways. Join us for ministry in a variety of ways and in a variety of places across the U.S.! There are many opportunities in places like North Carolina, the Appalachian coalfields, Pennsylvania, New England, the Rocky Mountain Region, Hawaii, Alaska and other places.
Volunteers are serving all over the world in a variety of ways. Join us for ministry in a variety of ways and in a variety of places. There are many opportunities in places like Cuba, Haiti, Armenia, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Kenya, Guatemala, South Africa, Moldova and other places.
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