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2024 RA Car Race Day

RA Race Day is the NC State Race for all interested in submitting a car and includes all Lads, Crusaders, Challengers, Girls and Adults. This event exists to create a meaningful relationships between children and adults as they build the race cars to encourange all of us to be making disciples as we do life. Though there are categories for Challengers, girl and adults, this is an RA event. Please register before April 6, 2024. Registration cost is $10.00 per racer participant, $8.00 per non-participant/other attendees and $5.00 for attendees 3-5 yrs old. This fee covers all program costs, ribbons, insurance and lunch. T-shirts, RA Race Day patches, and snacks will be available for purchase. A missions offering will be received. A missions project display is required to race. Added this year, In lieu of a mission project display adults can make a donation on the day of the race to The NC Statewide Children’s/Student’s Mission project for 2024. All participants must follow NC Race rules to race. Visit our website or contact James Byerly at

  Event Details  

Date and Time

From: Saturday, April 20, 2024

To: Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Program is only during the day

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Event Contacts

Dollie Noa
(919) 459-5598


Charity Mission Center, 1333 W Charity Road Rose Hill, NC 28458

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Racer Participant
NC RA Race Car Participant. Choose amount whom are racing.
Other Attendees
Choose amount of other attendees. In name field - please enter the name of participant once again
Attendee Age 3-5
Choose amount of other attendees. In name field - please enter the name of participant once again.
