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VT24-005 Bennington, VT


Dormitory Construction at Bible College
Bennington, Vermont
Multiple teams are requested to help construct and finish a number of duplexes for student housing at one of the few Baptist Colleges in New England. Professionals and nonskilled are welcome. All types of work will be available. During winter months the work will take place inside the duplexes. There are no required materials cost but if teams want to donate toward this it would be greatly appreciated. It will also be helpful if teams bring some tools with them. Needed skills may include: Concrete, framing, roofing, insulation, drywall, painting, cement siding, finish, plumbing and electrical. Team will need to provide their own transportation and meals. Local churches and a Christian school are possible housing options, and have kitchens and showers for the teams use. Local motels are also available.
Length of assignment: 5-7 Days
Preferred Dates: Anytime late 2023 and through 2024
Costs: Travel to Vermont, team food, possible lodging

  Event Details  

Date and Time

From: Wednesday, November 1, 2023

To: Thursday, October 31, 2024

The program is for an overnight stay

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Event Contacts

Mark Abernathy
(919) 459-5607

Melanie Crawford


Bennington, Vermont, USA

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Team Member VT24-005
Choose "1" under "Choose Quantity". Note: A Team Leader has been registered for this project. In order to add to the project, you will need to know the "team name" (not the project number). This is a name that the team leader assigned when he/she signed up for the project. If you do not know this team name, please see your team leader or contact NCBM at or 919-459-5607. Costs for national projects vary. The team leader will negotiate costs with the project requester on the field and communicate this information to the team.
