
Deep Impact Missions Weeks are pre-packaged week long mission experiences. Baptists on Mission provides Middle and High School students with the opportunity to: “Share God's love by helping people through word and deed.” Youth will participate in a variety of mission opportunities including construction, VBS, sports evangelism, servant evangelism, prayer walks, and others. Evening worship each night will help students reflect on their lives and commit themselves to serving others in Christ’s name.
DI Kids Missions Weeks, Mini-weeks, and Weekends are pre-packaged mission experiences sponsored by Baptists On Mission that provides elementary age students and their leaders/parents with the opportunity to share the love of God with people in NC. Weekends, mini-weeks, and week-long experiences are for 1st-5th grade children and leaders/parents. 6th grade can participate if they are in the churches children's program.
Charity Mission Camp has approximately 60,000 feet of buildings on 20 acres of land. We can house, feed and sleep up to 200 mission volunteers per day. The Charity camp hosts volunteers who have come from NC and surrounding states as they complete a wide variety of mission projects including wheel chair ramps, roof repairs, painting, mowing, cleaning yards, etc. We also have groups doing Backyard Bible Clubs, sport camps and other projects.
The Red Springs Mission Camp is a 52,000 square foot facility operated by BOM. The newly remodeled facility can house over 200 mission volunteers. The purpose of the Mission Camp is to provide a place where volunteers (men, women and youth) can use their God-given skills to touch lives in the name of Christ. There are a big variety of projects from the building of new homes, renovation of existing homes, VBS, work with schools, elderly homes, etc.
The goal of the Shelby Mission Camp is to involve Christians/churches in missions. As we serve together God will open doors for many spiritual needs to be met. There are a big variety of projects from the building of new homes, renovation of existing homes, VBS, work with schools, elderly homes, etc.
Come and serve at one of our disaster relief rebuild centers. We are in need of volunteers to continue with our rebuild phase. Volunteers will be needed for the next year. We have rebuild centers in New Bern, Rose Hill and Lumberton.