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Missions and Ministry

One way of looking at the difference between ministry and missions involves the questions of "where" and "to whom". Ministry takes place within the body of Christ, missions happens outside the walls of the church. For instance, if your Men's Ministry group goes to put a new roof on the house of a shut-in who is a member of your church - that's ministry. If however, the next weekend your group goes right next door to her and puts a roof on the house of a non-believer - and tells that person that you're doing it in Christ's name - that's missions. Both are important. Our men need to find out what their spiritual gifts are and find their place of service within the life of their church. Men also need to be on mission with God, telling the good news of Christ as they go.

Equip Men for Ministry

Where To Begin In Equipping Men for Ministry:

  • Discover each man's unique makeup for ministry
  • Use a spiritual gifts discovery instrument
  • Match men with ministry
  • Equip and encourage men as they serve

Some Areas For Involving Men For Ministry:

  • Teach Sunday School
  • Work with the youth/children of your church
  • Staff community clothes closet
  • Provide lawn care for senior adults
  • Be an usher/greeter
  • Help with church building and grounds maintenance
  • Serve as a deacon
  • Sing in the choir

Extend Men on Mission

Local Ideas:
Other Ways To Extend Men On Mission