The purpose of the Agricultural Ministry is to help Christians share the love of Jesus by becoming involved in missions that address poverty and hunger wherever they exist.
Veteran's Farm of North Carolina
The Veteran's Farm of North Carolina, at the recommendation of Baptist Hospital, has reached out to the BOM Agricultural Missions Team to request help in completing some much-needed projects around the farm. The VFNC helps Veterans of all eras become self-sufficient farmers. They operate the only full-scale production farm for training Veterans in North Carolina. Over 1000 beginning farmer Veterans have been helped since the farm's inception seven years ago. The farm, located in Cameron, NC, is in great need of volunteer construction teams to help finish four new greenhouses, complete a deck around the outside of a shop buiding, and build a hay and equipment shelter. Work days could be flexible, and scheduled with the farm manager. The farm has materials, just needs some teams with "know how". (Of course any donations toward the cause would be appreciated, but not required). If you have a team that can help with this worthy project, please contact Mark Abernathy (919-459-5607; mabernathy@ncbaptist.org)
Cuba Partnership Opportunity
The Eastern Baptist Convention of Cuba (based in Santiago) wishes to purchase 4 acres of land adjacent to Mi Campomento (My Camp) near Santa Clara, Cuba. The purpose is for food production to help feed the churches who come to the camp for retreats and events. The camp is expected to also house seminary students attending classes there in the future.
BOM's Agricultural Missions Team has determined that this is a most worthy cause and a great need. The cost of the land is currently $4,500 in U. S. dollar equivalent. The amount of $2,385 has been contributed so far. Anyone who wishes to contribute can make checks out to Baptists on Mission. Please put "Cuba Farm Land" in the memo. Send to Baptists on Mission, PO Box 1107, Cary NC 27512. You can also contribute online: https://baptistsonmission.org/Donate scroll down and click on Cuba Partnership. In the memo of comments section list "Cuba Farm Land". Contact Tom Beam (919-459-5605) or Mark Rice (919-218-2111) if you have questions.
Donations will be taken until the full $4500 is met. Please give if the Lord so leads you!
Hands-On Field Days
Each spring, hands-on field days are held at the Baptists on Mission mission camps. These field days feature demonstrations on farming and livestock techniques, as well as a speaker and children's progam. Stay tuned for information on the next Ag Field Day.
Community Gardens
Our Agricultural Missions Team works with churches to encourage the establishment of "community gardens" that can be used to develop relationships with those living around the church. This gives people an opportunity to work in the garden and to share the harvest of fresh vegetables in the name of Christ.
How to Start a Garden in Your Home or Church »
Short Term Mission Trips
The Agricultural Missions Team encourages individuals who have an interest in agriculture to participate in short-term mission trips to help missionaries and national leaders with water and food production projects while sharing their faith. Past trips have included those to Honduras, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Togo, and more. Check below for opportunities to serve on a short-term ag mission trip.