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Ways to serve through Baptists on Mission

Baptists on Mission exists to glorify God by involving churches and Christians in meeting human needs in Jesus’ name. 

Our largest of these ministries are: Disaster Response, State/National/International projects, Mission Camps/Rebuild Centers, Deep Impact/DI Kids and Medical/Dental ministries.

Disaster Relief

Disaster Response

The goal of the NC Disaster Response Ministry is to provide ways for Christians to minister to people who are hurting due to disasters. We seek to provide organization, equipment, and strategy for Christians to help affected individuals/families rebuild their lives. Some of the ways we respond are through; Administration, Assessment, Chaplaincy, Communications, Childcare, Search and Rescue, Medical Reserve Corps, Laundry, Logistics, Mass feeding, Recovery (debris removal), Shower, Water, etc.

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State/National/International Projects

State/National/International Projects

Baptists on Mission connects churches and Christians with missions opportunities suited just for them. Locations include: North Carolina, New England, Appalachian Coalfields, Hawaii, Alaska, Pennsylvania, Rocky Mountain, Armenia, Cuba, Guatemala, Kenya, Molvoda, Roma Gypsy, Ukraine, South Africa.

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Mission Camps/Rebuild Centers

Mission Camps/Rebuild Centers

Baptists on Mission have Mission Camps in Red Springs, Rose Hill and Shelby, NC. These Mission Camps offer churches a place where they can house and feed their teams and do a mission trip in the community. Baptists on Mission also has rebuild centers in New Bern, Rose Hill and Lumberton that can house and feed volunteer teams with site coordinators who are coordinating the rebuilding of homes from Hurricane Florence.

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Deep Impact/DI Kids

Deep Impact/DI Kids

The vision of Deep Impact and DI Kids is to provide one day, weekend and week-long mission experiences where every child, student and adult leader see themselves as a missionary who is able to share Christ’s love through their words and actions.

Learn About Deep Impact    Learn About DI Kids

Dental/Health Screening

Dental/Health Screening

God has provided us with 2 dental and 1 health screening unit. Opportunities for medical and dental personnel to be involved with Baptists on Mission include International mission trips, the Mobile Dental Ministry and the Mobile Health Screening Ministry. These mobile medical and dental units are used across the state to meet human needs in Jesus’ name.

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Serve NC

If your church wasn’t around, would your community notice? ServeNC is an opportunity for every NC Baptist church to serve its community in Jesus’ name. What specific needs can your church meet in your community? Let’s be on mission together – all of us, across the state, loving our neighbors for the sake of the gospel and the glory of God.

Next summer, join N.C. Baptists from the mountains to the coast as the hands and feet of Jesus. Set aside the week of August 3-10, 2024 to make an impact through service projects.

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Please contact us if we can serve you and help you or your church get involved in missions.

Baptists On Mission
PO Box 1107, Cary, NC 27512
205 Convention Drive, Cary 27511

Phone: 800.395.5102 ext. 5596
