Family Foundations
Family Foundations Mission Statement: To assist and encourage churches, pastors, and church leaders in their privilege of developing strong Christian families; and to help families grow in their relationship with Christ through hands-on missions and by providing needed resources for all aspects of the family.
Resources included below: "The Marriage You've Always Wanted Conference", Marriage Mentoring, Family Enrichment; Missions Involvement
The Marriage You've Always Wanted
Marriage mentoring
Lets change north Carolina
Despite divorce rates falling across the U.S. from 5.1 per 1,000 in 1990 to 3.8 per 1,000 in 2009, North Carolinians marry and divorce at slightly higher rates than most other states. It doesn't have to be this way. Why not make North Carolina the best place in the U.S. to marry and raise a family?
marriage mentoring could be the answer
We have established a partnership with Les and Leslie Parrott Ministries to bring the Marriage Mentoring Academy to churches all across our state. With over 250,000 couples trained, the results are in: Marriage Mentoring works. Churches with marriage mentoring ministries produce stronger families and healthier congregations.
how does the training work?
We've designed our Marriage Mentoring program to be extremely cost effective. There's no need to travel anywhere - you can complete the training online in a group or as a couple. The cost for training is just $59 per couple. You can complete the training at your own pace plus you'll have unlimited access to the support materials afterwards. There are also options available for registering a larger group for training.
who should be trained?
- Teachers of couples' classes
- Marriage pastors and support staff
- Couples in the church ministering to other couples
- Every small group leader
What happens next?
Our goal is to train and deploy marriage mentors to counsel less experienced couples and be ready for organic mentoring opportunities as a small group leader, teacher or friend. Once this movement gets started it's self-replicating and contagious. Often those who have been mentored become mentors themselves and the tide rises for everyone.
special offer!
Click here to enter the Marriage Mentoring website training center. The team at Marriage Mentoring Academy is offering $10 off registration for our trainees. Use this special offer number during checkout.: NCBM-732953.
The following website links are excellent resources for Family Enrichment
Additional Internet Safety Websites/Videos
For more information please contact:
Dollie Noa
Baptists on Mission
800.395.5102 ext. 5598
Family Foundations Projects
The Marriage You've Always Wanted 2025
10/18/2025 8:00:00 AM
Family Foundation MinistryFamily Foundations MissionFamily Foundations Training