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Baptist Educators

Mission Statement:
To provide Christian Educators means connecting and supporting churches in ministering to those in education.

One of the ministries of Baptists on Mission is the Fellowship of Baptist Educators which has more than 900 Baptist educators who use their educational skills to fulfill the Great Commission by "...teaching them to obey everything I have taught you." Matthew 28:20a 

There are several avenues of involvement through Baptist Educators:


Use your skills in short or long term mission teaching at home or around the world.  Some of our educators serve at home teaching internationals in their communities.  Others serve in short or long term assignments overseas.  The Baptist Educator's newsletter, Educomis, offers information about opportunities to work in cooperation with Baptist mission schools, conventions, unions, and fellowships all over the world. Our volunteers include teachers who work with every age level, preschool through university. Administrators, coaches, librarians, and counselors also participate. People all around the world are hungry to hear the truth about Christ conveyed by caring teachers.

Ideas for Adopting a Local School

  • Write notes of encouragement to school staff
  • Provide school supplies beginning and mid-year for students/teachers
  • Donate gift cards to teacher/teachers to Staples/Wal-Mart/Office Depot/Starbucks, etc.
  • Prepare a luncheon on a teacher workday
  • Prepare goody bags for staff during the year/or a teacher/grade level of teachers
  • Volunteer to tutor students or be a reading buddy
  • Provide a monthly goody bag for a teacher along with a prayer card for them
  • Prepare backpack meals for needy students

Prayer Suggestions for School Staff/Students

  • Pray for administration of the school to have clarity and discernment to oversee staff/students
  • Pray for the teachers to have patience and genuine love for families and students
  • Pray for families to bring up children in a Godly way
  • Pray for students to grow socially, and spiritually
  • Pray for students to adhere to discipline and school rules
  • Pray for safety to and from school
  • Pray for safety in the school halls/classrooms
  • Pray for less bullying and more genuine care for one another
  • Pray for less violence in the school and outside the school walls
  • Pray everyone would show respect for one another regardless of race, creed, culture, religion



Baptist Educators Website

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